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MAME 0.247 was released

* Official - https://mamedev.org/release.html
* ARCADE64 - https://arcade.mameworld.info/
* MESS, MESSUI - https://messui.1emulation.com/
* MAMEUI - http://www.mameui.info/
* MAME for Raspberry Pi - https://stickfreaks.com/mame/

* WolfMAME - https://github.com/mahlemiut/wolfmame/releases

* GroovyMAME 0.247 switchres 2.002L - https://github.com/antonioginer/GroovyMAME/releases


* Emulicious (2022-07-31) [Multi-system] - http://emulicious.net/news/

* RPCS3 v0.0.24 [PS3] - https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/releases

* Mednafen 1.31.0-UNSTABLE [Multi-system] - https://mednafen.github.io/

* DSP 0.20 FINAL [Multi-system] - https://github.com/leniad/dsp-emulator

* Gopher 0.19.2 [Atari 2600] - https://github.com/JetSetIlly/Gopher2600/releases/

* GameEx 18.15 [Front-end] - https://www.gameex.com/news/


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