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before it came out as a rom i read on the official metal slug 4 site about the new system called emblems. it showed 4 different colours blue, grey, red and green. when it came out as a rom i got it for neorage x and played it but i always see just the 2 colour emblems of blue and grey what happened to the other 2 colours red and green if anyone else has noticed this for neorage x please post your comment thanks :P

before it came out as a rom i read on the official metal slug 4 site about the new system called emblems. it showed 4 different colours blue, grey, red and green. when it came out as a rom i got it for neorage x and played it but i always see just the 2 colour emblems of blue and grey what happened to the other 2 colours red and green if anyone else has noticed this for neorage x please post your comment thanksĀ  :P

There should be those + white is is the final emblem color (if I remember correctly.) Maybe you're just not doing the emblem scoring right?


no u collect the emblems throughout the game they can be red,blue,grey and blue and if you collect them the blue bar goes down and if you shoot people or things you get medals from green, red, blue, and the last is silver medal giving you more points than usual. but as i said the green and red are not in the game just the blue and grey emblem only what happened to the other colour emblems

what this emblam stuff all about?

It's the extra points system in Metal Slug 4.


never had that kind of problem with my ms4 rom, it has all 4 emblem colours, and i think that the silver is actually more like platinum but whatever :(


My Metal Slug 4 seems to work fine as well. It's weird that someone hasn't got all the colors. :(


ok if you have all 4 emblem colours in your metal slug 4 rom for neoragex pls send me the rom or give me the link to get the rom with all 4 emblem colours in it pls i love the metal slug games but was sad that i never had all 4 emblems in my rom for neorage x


for people who dont know what i mean about the emblems here is a link showing the emblems in metal slug 4 if your neorage x rom has all 4 colours because mine is only showing the blue and grey emblems throughout the game. pm me and email me on liquid_swords185@yahoo.com so i can get the rom you using so i can enjoy ms4 with all 4 emblem set. here is the link showing you what i am talking about http://metalslug.hitnews.pl/pl/info_emblematy.php

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