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* SDLMAME 0.259 for Ubuntu - https://sdlmame.wallyweek.org/download/

* Qemu 8.1.2 [PC] - https://download.qemu.org/

* Panda3DS 0.7 [3DS] - https://github.com/wheremyfoodat/Panda3DS/releases

* Raine 0.96.3 [Arcade] - https://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html

* Gopher 0.26.0 [Atari 2600] - https://github.com/JetSetIlly/Gopher2600/releases/

* DCexel (2023-10-15) [EXL100] - http://dcexel.free.fr/

* Pyboy 1.6.0 [Gameboy] - https://github.com/Baekalfen/PyBoy/releases

* Pantheon 13.130 [Multi-system] - http://bostjan-grandovec.si/Content/Download.htm

* AmiArcadia/WinArcadia 30.31 / DroidArcadia 2.4 [s2650-based] - https://amigan.yatho.com/

* 86box 4.0.1 [PC] - https://github.com/86Box/86Box/releases

* PPSSPP 1.16.6 [Sony PSP] - https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/releases

* XEMU 0.7.115 [XBOX] - https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu/releases


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