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An update to MAME 72 Release2 for the xbox 360 originally coded by lantus.

new update by Arcadez
compiled by Wolf3s

New games now supported

Action Fighter
Aladdin (bootleg of Japanese Megadrive version)
Bare Knuckle II (Chinese bootleg of Megadrive version)
Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Megadrive version)
Dogyuun (8/25/1992 location test)
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (Japan)
Fantasy Zone II - The Tears Of OPA OPA
Final Fight Anniversay Edition (3 players)
Final Fight bootleg (multi character select)
Head On Channel
Juezhan Tianhuang
Marble Madness II
Megumi Rescue
Ms Pacman Twin
Ninja Kazan
Oo PArts
Opa Opa (Rev A, unprotected)
Power Up Baseball (Midway Prototype)
Slap Shooter
SegaSonic Bros
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (bootleg of Megadrive version)
Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Megadrive clone hardware)
Tetris (Japan, System E)

Games fixed and now working

Avengers In Galactic Storm
Beast Busters
Best Bout Boxing
Deroon DeroDero
Desert War / Wangan Sensou
Escape Kids
Gratia - Second Earth
Gunbird 2 (random crashes)
Hard Dunk
Hyper Duel (Reset on starting game)
Jungle Hunt / Jungle king / Pirate Pete (crash on final level)
OutRunners (Graphical flickering)
Popeye (Random Crashes)
Solomon's Key (levels could become unplayable)
Space Cruiser (Reset on Asteroids level)
Space Seeker (would not coinup)
Stadium Cross
Tetris Plus
Tetris Plus 2 (MegaSystem 32 Version)
The Game Paradise - Master of Shooting!
Thunder Hoop (fixed crash on level 4)
Title Fight
Touki Denshou - Angel Eyes
Turbo Outrun

Games with Graphical Improvements

64th Street - A Detective Story
Alpine Ski
Avenging Spirit
Batsugun / Batsugun Special
Beast Busters
Bells & Whistles / Detana!! Twin Bee
Big Striker
Bio Attack
Chequered Flag
Chimera Beast
Contra / Gryzor
Desert Assault
Double Dragon 3
Dynamite Duke
Dynamite Dux
E.D.F Earth Defense Force
Elevator Action
Elevator Action Returns
Escape Kids
Heavyweight Champ
Highway Race
In Your Face
Legend Of Makai
Mario Bros
Mechanized Attack
P-47 - The Phantom Fighter
Plus Alpha
Rock 'n Rage
R-Type Leo
Saint Dragon
Shingen Samurai-Fighter
SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative
Super Space Invaders 91
The Astyanax
The Combat Tribes
The Tin Star
Thunder Hoop
Thunder Zone
Water Ski
Wild Western
WAC Le Mans 24
WWF Superstars

Games now with sound or improved sound

Atomic Boy / Wily Tower
Batsugun / Batsugun Special (Partial sound)
Bells & Whistles / Detana!! Twin Bee
Chequered Flag
City Bomber
Congo Bongo
Dogyuun (8/25/1992 location test)
Escape kids
Haunted Castle / Akuma-Jou Dracula
Kick Goal
Kitten Kaboodle / Nyan Nyan Panic
Knuckle Bash (Partial sound)
Lighting Fighters
Parodius DA!
Punk Shot
Rim Rockin Basketball (commentary voices)
R-Type Leo
Sunset Riders
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
The Simpsons
Thunder Cross 2
Trojan / Tatakai No Banka
Wonderboy III - Monster Lair (Set 1)

Games supporting new and improved samples

Congo Bongo

Sega games with improved sound via UPD7759 core update

Alien Syndrome
Altered Beast
ESWAT Cyber Police
Golden Axe
Passing Shot
Riot City
Sonic Boom
Time Scanner

Games with protection fixes

Chequered Flag
Contra / Gryzor
Solomon's Key
Sunset Riders
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Thunder Cross

Games with improved performance

Demon's World / Horror Story
Fire Shark / Same Same Same
Out Zone
Rally Bike / Dash Yarou
Zero Wing

Source Changes

Updated tecmosys.c to MAME126 both Deroon DeroDero and Touki Denshou - Angel Eyes are now playable [Haze, Arcadez, dink]
Sorted a gfx niggle with Mario Bros where the screen would shake incorrectly left/right rather than up/down when you hit the POW box [MAMEDEv, arcadez]
Fixed some missing graphics in Beast Busters and Mechanized Attack then sorted sprite priorities on level 2 in Beast Busters [bmcphail, dink, arcadez]
Improved the C-Chip protection simulatons for Bonze Adventure and Operation Wolf [arcadez]
Added Konami 007452 multiplier/divider fixes which sorts rolling mines and bullet trajectories in contra/gryzor during the 3D Sections of the game [arcadez]
Backported Haze's changes from MAME119.u3 fixing the background colours in Dynamite Duke / The Double Dynamites [arcadez]
Fixed level four crash in Thunder Hoop due to previously unknown refresh rate protection in both games [MAME Dev Team, arcadez]
Fixed lightgun calibration plus some graphical and sound niggles in Beast Busters [arcadez, mahoneyt944]
Fixed graphical priorities in Thunder Hoop by using bigkarnak video update call [dink, arcadez]
Disabled palette banking for R-Type leo - fixes invincibiliy flashing [Haze, arcadez]
Added support for rare, Ms. Pacman Twin (mspactwin) simultaneous 2 player play [arcadez, grant2258, mahoneyt944]
Added Marble Madness II (prototype) to the batman driver [Haze, MistyDreams, dink, iq_132, arcadez, mahoneyt944]
Added Fantasy Zone II - The Tears of Opa-Opa (fantzn2x) to system16 driver [MistyDreams, mahoneyt944, arcadez]
Added Action Fighter Sega System A unprotected set to the system16 driver hooked up the inputs and sound plus some new gfx calls game now playable [arcadez, mahoneyt944]
Updated Sega System 16 code and the UPD7759 sound to MAME72.u1 fixing many graphical and sound issues in the games [arcadez]
Improved the sound for Congo Bongo by adding new samples and reclocking the 2nd SN76496 channel to fix the drums tempo [MAMEDev, arcadez]
Fixed broken sound for the classic Williams game Inferno by backporting a sound cpu hack from later MAME [Aaron Giles, arcadez]
Added a new hack to fix the lights dont go out when shot in Elevator Action Returns and clones which doesn't break the gfx on the game ending [dink, arcadez]
Updated the Irem GRA20 soundcore to MAME 81 which fixes missing voices and improves the sound more generally for R-Type Leo [arcadez]
Fixed totally broken music and sfx in Trojan / Tatakai No Banka by backporting some code from later MAME [arcadez]
Fixed Gunbird 2 from randomly crashing by adding a hack to the psikyosh driver [arcadez]
Tweaked the fake prio prom values for 64th street as per later MAME to fix some graphical niggles [arcadez]
Added Nicola Salmoria's fix for the butterfly freeze time powerup in Super Space Invaders 91 [arcadez]
Added Opa Opa, Megumi Rescue, Slap Shooter and Tetris to the Sega System E driver [MAMEDev, arcadez]
Hooked up missing player 2 inputs for Opa Opa and Tetris in the System E main cpu memory map [arcadez]
Added some mirror hacks so that Avengers In Galactic Storm now works [grant2258]
Fixed Hyper Duel from crashing once you started a game [arcadez, KMFDManic]
Backported some K051649 and K053260 sound improvements for many Konami games from later MAME [arcadez]
Added multiplier/divider fixes which sorts rolling mines and bullet trajectories in contra during the 3D Sections [arcadez]
Added support for Powerup Baseball the Midway prototype to itech32.c [arcadez]
Fixed collision logic in Thunder Cross [arcadez]
Updated the Konami Core to MAME78 for some graphical and protection improvements [arcadez]
Added two bootleg versions of Final Fight the 3 player game and the play as any character hack [arcadez, BritneysPAIRS]
Improved the sound in MagMax [arcadez]
Fixed Popeye crashing and the Water colour by correctly masking the tile attribute [arcadez]
Updated some parts of the Taito SJ code to MAME 103 vastly improving the emulation for Elevator Action, Jungle Hunt, Sea Fighter Poseidon and more [MAME Dev, arcadez]
Fixed an issue where Space Seeker would not coin up and start due to a previous commit which added an invalid input game now playable again [arcadez]
Stopped Space Cruiser from crashing on the asteroids level and added the dedicated button for the continue mode [MAMEDev, arcadez]
Fixed Jungle Hunt / Jungle King / Pirate Pete from crashing on the last level [MEMEDev, arcadez]
Fixed broken sound in Hachoo and Kick Goal plus sorted some graphical priority issues for 64th. Street - A Detective Story [MAMEDev, arcadez]
Added sprite buffering to the megasys1 driver improving the gfx for 64th. Street - A Detective Story, Avenging Spirit, Chimera Beast, Cybattler
E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force, Hachoo, In Your Face, Legend of Makai, P-47 - The Phantom Fighter, Ninja Kazan, Plus Alpha, Rod-Land, Saint Dragon
Shingen Samurai-Fighter, The Astyanax + more also added missing prio prom dumps for the games that did not have em already [MAMEDev, arcadez]
Ported across the mame2003+ ddragon3 driver for some graphical improvements for Double Dragon 3 and The Combat Tribes [arcadez]
Added support for the Japanese version of Double Dragon 3 to ddragon3.c [BritneysPAIRS]
Updated the V60 cpu to MAME75 which fixes some Sega and Jaleco games including OutRunners [arcadez]
Added support for Dogyuun (8/25/1992 location test) to the toaplan2 driver this version has full sound and music [arcadez, grant2258]
Switched Contra to use the HD6309 for the main CPU to get rid of slowdowns and fix a crash after 2nd enemy base [arcadez]
Backported a fix from later MAME which gets rid of sprites sticking on the screen in Contra [Kale, mahoneyt944]
Fixed missing commentary voices and correctly hooked up player 3 and 4 inputs for Rim Rockin Basketball [arcadez]
Fixed some graphical niggles and hooked up full sound and music for IREM's Atomic Boy / Wily Tower [MAMEDev, arcadez]
Fixed WWF Superstars bad sprites with some of Randy Macho Man Savage moves eg back suplex etc etc [MAMEDev, arcadez]
Hacked around some game breaking protection calls in Solomon's Key which could make levels unplayable [MAMEDEv, arcadez]
Added Aladdin, Bare Knuckle II, Bare Knuckle III, Juezhan Tianhuang and Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing version) to the segac2.c driver [arcadez, mahoneyt944]
Fixed SN76496 sound in Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing) and ported across from MESS extra genesis input code so that Aladdin, Bare Knuckle II + III are controlable [arcadez, dink]
Added three Sega games Head On Channel, Oo Parts and Sega Sonic Bros to the segac2 driver [arcadez, grant2258]
Added partial sound for Batsugun and Knuckle Bash plus fixed some graphical problem in Batsugun [arcadez]
Ported some video improvements from shmupmame which brings all the Toaplan1 games up to full speed with no frame rate drops [ShmupMAME, arcadez][/quote]

link for emulator(includes sourcecode)


link for new roms added

mirrorlink for new roms

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