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HBMAME 0.245.17 has been released.


What's new in HBMAME

2024-02-21 0.245.17

Set Neo-Geo Korean-language translations to actually show Korean text.

New Games
- [aofkt]               Art of Fighting (Korean)
- [area88rk]            Area 88 (Korean)
- [area88rka]           Area 88 (Korean, alt)
- [captcommjk]          Captain Commando (911202, Korea)
- [csclub02]            Capcom Sports Club (970722, Korea)
- [daimakaik]           Dai Makai-Mura (Korean)
- [ddsomak]             Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (960619, Korea, alt)
- [ddsomjk]             Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (960619, Korea)
- [ffightaek]           Final Fight 30th Anniversary Edition (Korean)
- [ffightjk]            Final Fight (Korean)
- [gunbird01]           Gunbird (Korean hack)
- [knightsk]            Knights of the Round (911127, Korea)
- [kodjk]               The King of Dragons (910805, Korea)
- [kof2002bs25]         Kof2002 (hack of the bootleg)
- [kof2kkt]             Kof2000 (Korean)
- [kof97plskt]          Kof'97 (Plus, Korean)
- [kof98hkt]            Kof'98 (Korean)
- [kof99ndkt]           Kof'99 (Korean)
- [puzzldprk]           Puzzle De Pon! R (Korean)
- [puzzledpk]           Puzzle De Pon! (Korean)
- [rockmank]            Rockman: The Power Battle (950922, Korea)
- [rockman2k]           Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (960708, Korea)
- [sfz2alk]             Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (960805, Korea)
- [sfz2k01]             Street Fighter Zero 2 (960430, Korea)
- [sfz2k02]             Street Fighter Zero 2 (960227, Korea)
- [sfz3mix]             Street Fighter Zero 3 (Turbo Mix 0.27)
- [sfzchk]              Street Fighter Zero (951020, CPS Changer, Korea)
- [sfzk]                Street Fighter Zero (950727, Korea)
- [strider05]           Strider (Korean)
- [tengai03]            Tengai (Korean)
- [tk2k01]              Tenchi wo Kurau II (Sanmei Spiral Counterattack Beta 1.03, 921031, Korea)
- [tophuntrk]           Top Hunter (Korean)
- [uccops02]            Undercover Cops (Korean)
- [wofchk]              Tenchi wo Kurau II (921031, Korea)


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