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Raine 0.96.9 : hotfix !


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Ok after checking this is the y correction for sprites and scroll2 which makes this bug to appear. By removing both, it's gone.

The obvious difference with both removed is that the purple defense bar is touching the top of the screen, but if it's the only drawback then it's worth keeping things like that.

edit : and apparently there is no way to have both fixes at the same time, if you fix the tree in this ryu against ken in the attract mode then sodom's stage get big black gaps. You need to move scroll2 to fix them, and then the sprites too, and so the gap in the tree appears.

So it's probably a bug of sfz3mix itself, I'll keep the fix as they are for now.

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Yeah yeah... the thing about the hotfix version is that it fixes only the emergency. Here the emergency was that I succeeded to break all the top of the raine's main menu !

The one with sf2mix and all the fixes contained in this thread will be released today, I hesitate to do it now because I am still currently a little sleepy so it's not a very good idea to do anything like that in such a state... ! But promised, it will be released within at max 8 hours and very probably earlier.

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15 hours ago, Tux said:

Ok after checking this is the y correction for sprites and scroll2 which makes this bug to appear. By removing both, it's gone.

The obvious difference with both removed is that the purple defense bar is touching the top of the screen, but if it's the only drawback then it's worth keeping things like that.

edit : and apparently there is no way to have both fixes at the same time, if you fix the tree in this ryu against ken in the attract mode then sodom's stage get big black gaps. You need to move scroll2 to fix them, and then the sprites too, and so the gap in the tree appears.

So it's probably a bug of sfz3mix itself, I'll keep the fix as they are for now.

Thank you so much for checking this. The developers of FBNeo are also having a hard time trying to fix this little glitch in SFZ3Mix. Hopefully zero800 will find a solution more easily, if it ever exists...

You can follow the discussion in the link I posted before, here:


Thank you again for your time:

PS: I recently left a comment in my pull request asking about the function of the "Update NGCD sprite block" option. I would like to know why it opens a file selector. But it's just a curiosity I had when reviewing this text line in the GUI. Thank you in advance for your attention.

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"update ngcd sprite block" is 1 of the very old functions added in the glory days when I tried to help for a certain translation of ssrpg... ! It's useless today, but you never know, it could be used some day, even if it's highly unlikely.

0.96.10 just released, you have another toy to break !

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2 hours ago, dink said:

Hi Tux,

I made a fix for the "broken tree" after adjusting yscroll for the SCROLL2 layer on fbneo, info is here along with a line from Raine that could be changed to fix it also.

Here's the link:



best regards,

- dink

This is really great news! 😃

I would post here about your achievements, but you were faster than I.

Thank you so much for your hard work. It's great that it can now be used to benefit other emulation projects too.

Long live community work!

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As said in the 1st post at the top of this page, I get big gaps in sodom's stage if fixing scroll2y. in order : fixing scroll2y obliges to change the offsets for sprites too otherwise you get a black bar on the right of the tree in the ryu stage. Then sodom's stage has some big obvious gaps everywhere. Fixing them obliges to change scroll1y. Except scroll1 is already at the limit and it shows other gaps elsewhere in this same stage. So scroll1 is unmovable in this stage -> scroll2 becomes unmovable too.

mer-curious made a very convenient set of saves to quickly test all situations in this game...

By the way I didn't find the exact offset to fix in your link, but it's a 4 pixels problem apparently.

3 hours ago, dink said:

Hi Tux,

I made a fix for the "broken tree" after adjusting yscroll for the SCROLL2 layer on fbneo, info is here along with a line from Raine that could be changed to fix it also.

Here's the link:



best regards,

- dink


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