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MAMEUI64  0.271.0 has been released.

Available at https://messui.1emulation.com


The software listed in \hash\more now number 45425, spread over 144 lists.


Changes that didn't get into MAME:

- Hitachi bml3, Amstrad cpc and clones, Fujitsu fm7 and clones: improved cassette motor handling

- i8275: don't crash if double spaced rows requested

- pecom32, pecom64: fixed cassette reading; fixed shift key interfering with tape loading; adjusted cpu speed; system can now run the items in the software list.

- partner: fixed crash when floppy drive accessed

- homelab: fixed buffer overrun in the quickload; homebrew games can now be run.


Posted (edited)

Setting relative paths in ini files crashes the emu when selecting affected system. For example megadrive PAL at megadriv.ini:

swpath                    ..\..\MegaDrive

This feature worked fine in 0.270.

Also trying to set up a software path from software tab in gui freezes the emu.

EDIT: After more testing, seems some changed in latest mame about managing sw list paths. If you set at mame.ini:

swpath                      software TO  swpath                      null

the emu won't crash, but mame couldn't find the sw files anymore. Another fix is the set the megadriv.ini to:

swpath                    software;..\..\MegaDrive

But the emu only will look at the software folder...

Actually I'm launching games via command line.

Edited by StHiryu

swpath is for loose files only. If this path is set through the GUI then it works fine - I know because of the extensive software testing I've been doing over the last few months.

MAME can only do the first path in swpath, but MAMEUI can handle multiple paths. Note that the path separator is semi-colon, not comma.


For softlist-list-based-software, that path goes into your rompath, along with the path to your bios roms and so on.


I've never had any crashes because of the setting of swpath, right or wrong.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Robert said:

swpath is for loose files only. If this path is set through the GUI then it works fine - I know because of the extensive software testing I've been doing over the last few months.

MAME can only do the first path in swpath, but MAMEUI can handle multiple paths. Note that the path separator is semi-colon, not comma.


For softlist-list-based-software, that path goes into your rompath, along with the path to your bios roms and so on.


I've never had any crashes because of the setting of swpath, right or wrong.

Corrected the comma for the semi-colon, was a typo in the post.

The relative paths in swpath worked until 270, is in 271 when are crashing. 

Actually setting paths via mameui gui also crashes the emu too, so will try in another computer if the behaviour is the same..

Edit: Tried in another computer with fresh install. The swpath is completely broken.

Anyway don't mind, I'll use the command line.

Edited by StHiryu

OK I got it to crash, and it took a while, but I believe it's been fixed for the next release. Or, you can download the next build from github, when it finishes building.

Posted (edited)

All fixed with your later commits. Big Thanks!!!!

Edited by StHiryu

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