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* Qemu 9.1.3, 7.2.16, 8.2.9 [PC] - https://download.qemu.org/

* SDLMAME 0.274 for Ubuntu - https://sdlmame.wallyweek.org/download/

* CPCalive 1.19a [Amstrad] - http://www.cpcalive.com/cpcalive_en.html

* HBMAME 0.245.22 [Arcade] - https://hbmame.1emulation.com/

* MAME 0.274 for RPi - https://stickfreaks.com/mame/

* NegaMAME 0.274-1 - http://babelsoft.net/products/negamame.htm

* Altirra 4.31 [Atari] - https://virtualdub.org/altirra.html

* CDI-emu-0.5.3-beta8 [Philips CD-i] - https://www.cdiemu.org/?body=download

* XRoar 1.8.2 [Dragon64/Coco] - http://www.6809.org.uk/xroar/

* ClownMDemu 1.1 [Genesis] - https://github.com/Clownacy/clownmdemu-frontend/releases

* Ares v142 [Multi-system] - https://ares-emu.net/download

* JGenesis 0.9.0 [Multi-system] - https://github.com/jsgroth/jgenesis/releases

* Pantheon 14.814 [Multi-system] - http://bostjan-grandovec.si/Content/Download.htm

* Gopher64 1.0.6 [N64] - https://github.com/gopher64/gopher64/releases

* Nemulator 4.6 [NES] - http://nemulator.com/downloads.html

* Q-emuLator 3.5.2 [Sinclair QL] - https://www.terdina.net/ql/winql.html

* Cemu 2.6 [Wii-U] - https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu/releases

* XEMU 0.8.16 [XBOX] - https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu/releases

* Erockus 12.8 [Front-end] - http://erockus.elementfx.com/arcade.html

* Extramame 25.2 [Front-end] - https://www.wintools.net/extramame/

* SimpleLauncher 3.9.1 [Front-end] - https://github.com/drpetersonfernandes/SimpleLauncher/releases


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