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* MAME 0.275 - https://www.mamedev.org/release.html

* ARCADE64 0.275.0 - https://arcade.mameworld.info

* MAMEUI64 0.275.0 - https://messui.1emulation.com/

* MAME 0.275 for Mac - https://ports.macports.org/port/mame/details/

* Wolfmame 0.275 - https://github.com/mahlemiut/wolfmame/releases

* MAME for RPi 0.275 - https://stickfreaks.com/mame/

* NegaMAME 0.275-1 - http://babelsoft.net/products/negamame.htm

* HBMAME and HBMAMEUI 0.245.23 - https://hbmame.1emulation.com/

* Denise 2.5 [Commodore] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/deniseemu/files/

* Gearboy 3.6.1 [Gameboy] - https://github.com/drhelius/Gearboy/releases

* Gopher64 1.0.10 [N64] - https://github.com/gopher64/gopher64/releases

* RPCS3 v0.0.35 [PS3] - https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/releases

* Eighty-One v1.41 [Sinclair] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/eightyone-sinclair-emulator/files

* XEMU 0.8.25 [XBOX] - https://github.com/xemu-project/xemu/releases

* ClrMame 0.3 [Rom Manager] - https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/

* Emupack 2.0-2502 [Front End] - https://emupack.blogspot.com/

* Erockus 12.9 [Front End] - http://erockus.elementfx.com/arcade.html

* Extramame 25.3 [Front End] - https://www.wintools.net/extramame/

* Simple Launcher 3.10.2 [Front End] - https://github.com/drpetersonfernandes/SimpleLauncher/releases



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