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Posted (edited)

Yu Yu Hakusho for the genesis is -Link removed. Read board rules-


I have heard that the GBA version (possibly the English verion) is -Link removed. Read board rules-, but the guy's page had exceeded his bandwidth so I couldn't check.


There are 4 different GB versions -Link removed. Read board rules.-(and a bunch of different GBA/GB/Nintendo Roms, actually including Ranma 1/2 YAY).


No luck on the ISOs yet, but if you are lucky, I'll have a look on DC later.


That should be enough to be going on with anyway, shouldnt it? :(

Edited by Agozer
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Posted (edited)

Thought I'd put up another link to a random anime roms page.


Check out -Link removed. Read board rules-. Here is a full list of their roms (SNES)



Game title Size (mb)




Dragon Ball Super Battle 1 0.98

Dragon Ball Super Battle 2 1.29

Dragon Ball Super Battle 3 1.10

Dragon Ball RPG 0.78

Macross 0.63

Magic Knight Rayearth RPG 0.86

Ranma 1 0.76

Ranma Fighting 1.58

Sailor Moon - Another story 2.37

Sailor Moon - Super S Fighting 1.91

Tenchi Muyo RPG 1.00


Classic RPG's


Final Fantasy V 1.43

Chrono Trigger 2.93

Edited by Agozer
Posted (edited)

Wow, I stumbled on a whole bunch of links to Captain Tsubasa Games...


-Links removed. Read board rules-


ALl those games are there...if any link doesn't work just go to the page and download it manually. Here is a link http://ar.geocities.com/demkyo/Emulacion/


I didn't even know there were Tsubasa games for the Gameboy... there was also mention of a Tsubasa game for the Playstation....WOW! If anyone knows where to find this please post a link. But if I find it I will post a link.


That has to be about all the Tsubasa games (except for the segaCD version, which you can get -Link removed. Read board rules-) Have fun with those for a while! :)

Edited by Agozer
Posted (edited)

Well I had a link here which petered out so I decided to change it to be a link to Final Fantasy roms 1-6!


-Links removed. Read board rules-


(EDIT: GameCop.. REASON: Don't direct links to roms unless the roms don't have a webpage, otherwise, link to the webpage instead!)

Edited by Agozer
Posted (edited)

thanks a lot dude, btwthere are 2 genesis and 4 snes yu yu hakusho games

i guess the harder to get owuld be 3do and sega cd ones

Edited by alexis
Posted (edited)
thanks a lot dude, btwthere are 2 genesis and 4 snes yu yu hakusho games

i guess the harder to get owuld be 3do and sega cd ones


That's okay. Thanks for visiting my thread :(...I'll work on the SNES and other genesis roms, but yeah I was on DC++ today and no-one had even heard of the SegaCD/3DO versions of yu yu hakusho.


Don't worry though, they're something I'd like to add to MY collection, so I'll keep looking B) (<-this smilie reminds me of Rei-kun from Child's Toy (Kodomo No Omocha!)

Edited by random guy
Posted (edited)

Okay, I think you'll be pleased, Alexis! There are all 4 snes versions of the game at "Cherryroms" ( http://www.cherryroms.com ). You have to register but it is free and you get access to hundreds of roms. If you really don't want to register or you are having trouble pm me and I may tell you my password or just send you the roms.


BOTH the genesis versions are at -Link removed. Read board rules- (again you have to sign up but it is worth it - again contact me if you have trouble).

The genesis roms are hard to find. Once you sign up, go to console - genesis roms... in the next window, choose "Japanese titles" or something like that.


There seems to be no sign of the SegaCD/3DO titles on the visible web...if anyone knows how to find these titles for her please post something here.


Okay thats it for now (that has to be almost every Yuu Yuu Hakusho game apart from the 3DO/SegaCD versions :D )

Edited by Agozer

Does anyone have an ftp-site they want to volunteer so I can post some ROMs directly?


Any takers? You'll get dozens of games for your trouble! :D

Posted (edited)

:D thanks dude i alreay have the roms =) btw u am saying names of anime games so anyone here will be able to know and find them, with your help of course :lol:

btw how about the evangelion and macross series

Edited by alexis

Well this thread already has a link to Evangelion N64....but better yet, I have both CDs of Evangelion for PSX enqued in DC++! Could well be a while b4 i get them yet but Im gonna search the www for the saturn games.


I'm exited! :D


cool hehe

macross games should be easier to get since there are many roms, the one for n64 doesn´t look good though :D

take it easy dude it is not that you must find every single game, othe rposters could contribute too, i will, as soon as i have some time

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