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I make sure that my left analog stick on my PS2 controller is centered. (because it has become a bit loose.)


When I play fighting games on a gamepad, I cover my thumb with the bottom of my shirt. This helps me slide better over the D-pad and slows down the oncoming of blisters. Most people when they first see it think its the weirdest thing. My little brother learned this tick off of me too. :rolleyes:


in fighting games i got used to the double tap forward/backward and many times do it in games without this feature like sf2


I don't really have any ticks. I myself though have gotten a lot of blisters from the old style 3D wrestling games like WCW Vs. NWO World Tour. I would keep tapping buttons to get into the hold first or even with the old snes WWF RAW. You'd have to tap the x and y buttons like crazy so you can do the first move. My finger tips would always hurt and red spots all over. I guess you'd call me a regular gamer. :rolleyes:


Dunno if you'd consider it a tick, but everytime in a fighting game me or a buddy wins/loses I'll usually reinact the move lol. And if its a really stupid move I just yell to em how does that hurt?!?! Probably sounds pretty odd to you guys :lol: Don't worry, its not bad :rolleyes:


I like to trash talk a tiny bit and scream "YOU SUCK!" <--recent


But otherwise I would just go meh and keep playing....unless I lose 10 times in a row with Garou :rolleyes:


My brother pointed this out to me a long time ago, back in the Mortal Kombat 2 on the SNES days, but during complex/long commands, I would open and move my jaw. When I noticed it, I stopped doing it (it was really stupid).


Nowadays at arcades I tend to go through a warmup routine. I prepare to stand properly in order to keep my arms and hands and elbows at the right height, and I try to position my fingers so as not to let them cramp. Upon a glorious victory, I may slam my fist into my opposing palm (much like Galford from samsho5).


in racing games i shift my weight according to the turn, sometimes i think my neck hurts if i don't do so, like if i'm fighting the physics


nezumi, hitting your palm? Come on man, you're getting a little too serious, but anyways.


I dont really have a tick, like those retarded people that have to stech and do splits before a game, at the arcade i just do a couple of circles with the joystick to get the feeling and check the buttuons so they're not laggy, then depending on the game i put my heands near the hard buttons(hard punch/kick) and relax then play, but this is only during like the firstround of the first fight, not everyround. Im like iori a lazy tiger, slow at the beginning then explodes.

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