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well, first of all people had to ring them up and get their XP checked for authenticy(?) :(


come on....nobody had ever done that b4 right? and this created alot of fuss


between people...


Back in the days when Win98 was popular, none of the people who got them had


to ring the service centre up to get their program checked....


that is what i meant....( puff...)


Only thing PS2 is good for is Tekken and putting GOOD companies outta buisness. Damn you Sony, damn you to hell! (sheds a single tear for sega)

If you buy anything get a Xbox, theres so much you can do with it.

PS2s are built to break down so you have to buy more than one. For example their shotty laser lens. Microsoft did have some problems at first with that but they stopped using the shotty Thompson drives. Has anyone gotten their hands on a PSX system they just released? WTF 2 contoller ports again and multitaps wont work on it, aint that some crap. How are we suppose to get get our 2 vs 2 tekken tag groove on?

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