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Dumping is when you take the original game and make it into a rom so it can be played on the computer or what not. Im not to sure about the teams that are assembled on the web that dump neogeo games.

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This post is a bit old, but it helps people learn the jargon.



To 'dump' something means to create a bit-by-bit copy of data from one media to another, where the copy is known as an 'image'. So instead of saying you created an ISO from a CD-ROM, you could say that you 'dumped' a 'disk image' of the CD-ROM. In the case of ROMs ('ROM images'), it means copying the data from the ROM chip inside the cartridge to a file on a PC.


So 'dumping' a game copies both the data and the program code into a file. By reading the code from a file, a program can read each instruction in the code and do stuff that would create results similar to if the game were being played on a real system. This is basically how an emulator works.

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