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Is there a cure for this itch?


I have got infected by the blaster worm yesterday but never heard of this one...

hi Mag, how are you after so long, i hope you are ok, anyway thnx for the warning :)

ahh great to see you again m8 :( hope we get to talk later on :lol: (aim: the_magnis)


cheers :)


And THAT is why I don't give out my email address.

Too many idiots have hundreds of people stored in their contacts and/or email something to a person with like 50 carbon copies sent to others.

This is how these viruses get spread so quickly.


IMO people should need to get a liscence to use a computer, cause all the dumb people in this world are responsible for the internet being so insecure at a general level.

And THAT is why I don't give out my email address.

Too many idiots have hundreds of people stored in their contacts and/or email something to a person with like 50 carbon copies sent to others.


But if no one ever gave out their e-mail address then you would have no one to e-mail and thus no need for an e-mail account. Can't really blame people for having people stored in their contacts.


One has to be really really stupid to execute an email attachement without knowing what it is :lol:

I didn't even imagine these types of viruses still worked :)

And THAT is why I don't give out my email address.

Too many idiots have hundreds of people stored in their contacts and/or email something to a person with like 50 carbon copies sent to others.

This is how these viruses get spread so quickly.


IMO people should need to get a liscence to use a computer, cause all the dumb people in this world are responsible for the internet being so insecure at a general level.

cause :D:P and the lincence must be free :)


the only thing this flocken virus did to me was keep NIS from starting up on its own, and 1 more thing it did was that it stopped NIS from blocking all ads and pop ups :lol:

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