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Getting on topic: James and Deltaquad usually are the ones coding everything and we try as hard as we can trying to help them :)


Off Topic: I haven't played kof2000 in a long time :P


:P I don't think its necessary to put On Topic/Off Topic tags :)


Coding seems too be way too complicated for me :D


I actually wouldn't mind learning coding and dumping etc...Just don't know where


to find a good master...hehe...


Off topic: Kof2000 and 2001 #1 is me. Period. :P


It's true sound box...ouch, I meant soundboz... but


if you put the difficulty setting to 8expert on KOF2000, they are quite good...


although I can finish both on level 8....


now I am trying to finish Samsho5 on level6....god damned comps....


sounds cool, i dunno how emulators are done either, i guess using assembly language, i always wanted to learn to program but never had the chance. From time to time i get some freetime but it ends quickly and my projects end in the recycle bin =(

Posted (edited)

Most emulators are coded entirely in C, excluding such emulators as NeoRAGEx and the inner core of ZSNES... If a system has a Z80/68000whatever CPU, the chances are that the emulator uses Neil Corlett's StarScream, which is in ASM.

Edited by Agozer

that sounds way too technical...


but anyhow, so NeorageX stuff are done differently to other emulators huh?


I saw that EPROM thing and it is so expensive....


$30000.... :lol:






NeoRAGEx is written in pure Assembly and it's generally much harder to code than C. It's also harder to make changes to an emulator that is written in ASM.


A good example of this is the ZSNES GUI, which hasn't been rewritten, because it's in ASM. Although Nach has been porting massive amounts of ZSNES' ASM code to C, and the upcoming version will have a completely rewritten GUI.

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