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Posted (edited)

Does spyware have to do with those websites that change your bloody homepage, and even changing it in IEs settings doesn't fix things. For me, I want my homepage to be www.google.com, and -=whatever=- keeps changing it to www.searchwww.com or something like that.


Edit: Actually, on the subject of spyware, I have been getting some WEIRD junkmails lately. Have a look at this one, I swear I just cut and pasted it straight from hotmail (Except on my email all the weird stuff is white against a white background, so you can only just see it.):


Stop jumping on the televsion program! ' I wonder if the peice of paper was missing

L­­­­­o­­o­­k­­­­­i­­­n­­g­­­ ­­­f­­o­r­­­ ­a­­­­­ ­­­­f­­­­­r­e­­­­e­ ­­­d­­­­e­b­­t­­­ ­c­­­­­o­­­­n­­­s­­­­u­­­­l­­­t­a­­­­­t­­i­o­­­n­­

C­l­­­­i­c­­­k­­­­ ­­ ­h­­­­e­r­­e­­­ ­f­­­­­o­­­­r­­­­ ­v­­­­­a­­­l­­­­u­a­­b­l­­­­­e­­ ­i­­­n­­f­­­­o­­­­r­­­­m­­­a­­­­­t­­­i­­o­­­n­­

Someday the bat will be circular Rocky are driving with the fraction

you are a exciting eye! Fred Durst looks like a striped microphone

O­­­­­n­­­e­ ­m­­­­­i­­­­­n­­­­i­­m­­­­a­­l­­­­­ ­­l­­o­­­­­w­ ­­­­m­­­­­o­­n­­­­­t­­­h­­­­l­­­­y­­­­­ ­­­p­a­­­y­­­m­­­e­­­­n­­­­t­­­

by the foggy slab of meat lies a ghetto porn

I said ' ping! You look like a spiffy face! ' Shakespear is so teenage that I am taking pictures of the towel

A blue tongue makes baby Jesus cry


WEIRD! What the hell does. "Shakespear is so teenage that I am taking pictures of the towel mean ?!?"

Edited by random guy

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