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I been havin trouble with the ss5 rom I got, so I read every single post regarding what to do with ss5 on neoragex final;


but, I still couldn't find a way to get the 'right' CRC numbers on my ss5 files!


could somebody help me out?


If you use NeoRAGEx, don't pay too much attention to the CRCs...

If your romset deoesn't work, you probably have a funky P1 rom.


Note: You must use EGCG NeoRAGEx.

using neo ragex final there is a problem with my rom they say its invalid

how to change the p rom to make it valid
using neo ragex final there is a problem with my rom they say its invalid


how to change the p rom to make it valid

The only way to change the P1 rom is to overwrite it with another P1 rom. ;)

I can send it to you, if you like, but your email account has to be more than 2 MB.

That, or then through ICQ.


Thank you for the help!!


I will try and download a new p1 rom--

but a few questions, as I am kind of a newbie to the more technical-type stuff

1) is the p1 rom for ssV the one with all the.bin files in it (like for the program and everything else), or is it some sort of add-on?

2) if it's an add-on, then how can I add it on (or put it in supplement) to my original rom file (the one with all the.bins)?


You guys are excellent, by the way, with the timeliness of the response!!! This forum is great.

Thank you for the help!!


  I will try and download a new p1 rom--

  but a few questions, as I am kind of a newbie to the more technical-type stuff

  1) is the p1 rom for ssV the one with all the.bin files in it (like for the program and everything else), or is it some sort of add-on?

  2) if it's an add-on, then how can I add it on (or put it in supplement) to my original rom file (the one with all the.bins)? 


  You guys are excellent, by the way, with the timeliness of the response!!!  This forum is great.

They P1 rom you might find is a single rom file probably names ssv_p1.rom.

You need to rename it to.bin (given that all the other files in the SSV arhive are.bins) and then just add the file into that achive.


hhmm another thread asking the same thing




this rom set is for neorageX and works fine

please make sure your roms are named like below if you are useing it

in NeoRageX




Posted (edited)

it doesn't have to be 270_xx.rom

Edited by Agozer

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