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Ooh this is a nice topic and I will spend 5 minutes of my life replying to it


Street Fighter 2

Do I need an explanation? It was the basis of most fighting games from then on and is still enjoyable today


Super mario bros/world

Introduced the first great platform game and is still enjoyable today.


Ninja Gaiden

I still haven't played it myself but it was wow for me :)


Phantasy Star series and Shining Force series

Both provided excellent story lines and awesome RPG elements/battle :)



A love/action/comedy story all in one. Probably one of the greatest RPGs out there that changed the face for RPG games today


Max Payne

Provided the Bullet time mod. Now you can see it everywhere which is kinda boring nowadays :P


Marvel vs Capcom

Team switch feature, proved that 2 companies can make a game toghether using their own characters to face each other :)


Half life

One of the best FPS out there. It included a extensive, continuing storyline with the notorius Gordon Freeman and G-MAN. Also, many multiplayer mods were made that are ranked the best in some gaming sites


Metal Slug

Self-explanatory :lol:


Chrono Trigger

First Game that actually used the element of time and went extensively into it. Still lotta fun :D


Sonic the hedgehog

Gee I love this game. What can't you love about a blue hedgehog and YOU CAN'T DIE UNLESS YOU HAVE NO RINGS :D

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Final Fantasy VII

Maybe my favorite RPG


Chrono series

Great RPG series, great story


Super Mario Bros 3

One of the original greats


Megaman 3-6

Read above :lol: possibly first game I ever played


Marvel Vs. Capcom

One of the first fighting games that really caught me eye



Greatest SNK fighting game maybe?



Its KOF....


Phantasy Star Online 1-2

First game I played like it, adventure, action and RPG

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