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Okay, maybe this should be in "FTPs and Weblinks" (feel free to move it), but I thought it may be interested in comparing how we find the games we want to play. And I'm not talking about searching through DC, then you just type it in and run with it. No I am talking about web searching.


What techniques do you guys use? Mine are probably pretty stupid > I use google, I usually type in the name of the game, then "Download" and if is an old PC game, I add "Abandonware" or if it is a console game, I add "emulator".


Like I said that is probably a stupid method but I find it is the only way to avoid "Download Street Fighter Alpha sex masturbation fisting blah blah blah" hits.


So, any tips?


A good way is to just use Filemirrors.com and search for the zip name. Zip names are usually key, since searching for the name of a game could get you too many results for the wrong console. Such as searching for "Altered Beast" and getting nothing but Sega Genesis results instead of the arcade version.


Sometimes you can just do a Google search for the CRC values, and you sometimes get lucky and find a message board with Kawaks dats, or MAME drivers. Among those posts there tends to be a link to zips themselves. Like with Metal Slug 5, everyone was mainly concerned with getting it working, so the zips were commonly linked to all over various forums because people thought they had all the wrong files and traded it like Don Mattingly baseball cards.


Searching for filenames helps too, such as "270-p1.bin", etc.


I'd avoid searching for anything with "download" in the seach query. You'll mainly get logs of web searches for sites that don't even deal with videogames. Or worse...the ever-annoying circlejerk sites that trap you in voting loops.


I just go through my links and start searhing for more non-english sites.


Hey thanks guys, that was some good advice, just one thing though, how do you find out the CRC value of a zip? Can you do it even with corrupt files as I finised downloading GUilty gear for the playstation and when I tried to unzip it told me the CRC had failed and the file was corrupt


Thanks again.

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