nezumi Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 not rom hacking just hacking, you know, html and stuff"HTML and stuff"... WTF? For starters, HTML is simply a markup language. Your browser (probably iexplore.exe) has a "view source" feature, either in a context menu or under the "View" menu. Check that, and you can view the source for the page. It's nothing fancy, and you can read up on the newer standards at The standard to conform to nowadays is XHTML 1.1, for web developement. People who make their websites entirely in Flash should be shot, then hung, then shot some more while they are hanging. Annoying bastards. As for your perception of what hacking is... shut the hell up. now. I percieve you to be some sort of script kiddie, or a wannabe. You'll probably boast of your eliteness -- excuse me, "31337n355" -- as soon as you manage to dupe someone into loading Sub7 or Netbus or BackOrifice onto their win32 box. "hacking" isn't this.. this childish means of mischief. Hacking is the means by which the internal workings of complex systems become known. Hacking is what revealed the workings of the CSS DVD encryption scheme, hacking is what causes people to screw up their windows registry 5 times before they figure out what the heck it's doing, but then figure it out and browse around it with ease. Hacking is what causes Norwegian college students to write a free and open POSIX-compliant UNIX clone, completely with original code. So if you're out their to cause trouble, I encourage a mod to delete this thread. As far as software cracks... why the heck are people still paying for proprietary software? Openoffice, Firebird, Thunderbird, The GIMP, MySQL, X-Chat, and a boatload of other projects... the Free Open Source Software community has provided a plethora of alternatives to lousy commercial software, and they've done it without burdening the user with restrictive licenses. http://www.sf.net
alexis Posted January 30, 2004 Author Posted January 30, 2004 (edited) huh, wtf,i said html and stuff just to give an idea of what i was talking about, hmpph about everything else, sorry Sherlock, everything you worte is wrong, i am not a kiddie, not a wannabe and i don`t mess with my registry, etc, etc, i just wanna learn, if you want to help you are welcome if you don`t then get lost Edited January 30, 2004 by alexis
Spiffy Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 i can hack cmos, softwares wid trials, bywy im just a newbie/learner..
Tidus Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 does it got pr0n pop-ups o.0(scared)that website has that one virus i forget it's name... sysu.exe or whatever Yeah I D/L It The MSN And It Got Me An Trojan(Freaking Half Arses People Give Us Virus(Sweat...))
Magus Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 ahaha 0.o Wow, u posted my site link euyulio. Thx for advertising x]Vicious[x . Euyulio is actually consisted of a group of ppl. If you want to chat with everyone come visit us on irc @ #euyulio. ;] Just make sure you don't want to talk about packeting, as that isn't tolerated. Also visit my webpage MegaSecurity </shameless spam> sry. i just had to. You will find tons of information from those 2 places. Hope it helps.
x]Vicious[x Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 ahaha 0.o Wow, u posted my site link euyulio. Thx for advertising x]Vicious[x . Euyulio is actually consisted of a group of ppl. If you want to chat with everyone come visit us on irc @ #euyulio. ;] Just make sure you don't want to talk about packeting, as that isn't tolerated. Also visit my webpage MegaSecurity </shameless spam> sry. i just had to. You will find tons of information from those 2 places. Hope it helps.Wow, I saw something made by 'Magnus' and thought of you. I didn't think it was the same person though. O.o Small world
Magus Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 well, i have coded some progs. nice ones if i my say. hehe ;] but....i don't release them. sometimes one will be leaked here or there. and it's strange, most ppl do refer to me as Magnus. i've never been able to figure out why. the prog u saw by 'Magnus' might not have been me. maybe, it really depends on the site and whether or not they got my nick wrong. lol
taratata Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 As for your perception of what hacking is... shut the hell up. now. I percieve you to be some sort of script kiddie, or a wannabe.Who was not a wannabe before knowing something? In any domain? No need to get angry because someone is asking infos... So if you're out their to cause trouble, I encourage a mod to delete this thread. Did you see what Alexis is before saying such a thing? Anyway, you're still right, hacking is what made all this possible... as it made emulation possible
emsley Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 nezumi your attitude is worth-lessIf i catch you with an attitude like that towards any other user on the is board i will ban you. Alexis is from argentina so he is allready converting another laungauge before he puts it in to his own words.So i think he is pretty clever to start with. Be good!
nezumi Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 I believe an apology is in order. *ahem*... Sorry. I posted hastily and brashly. As for why I said what I said (note that I'm simply stating why I said it, I'm not reasoning it away nor am I justifying it; I was wrong, plain and simple); I said what I did because I didn't take notice of who Aleixs is, nor did I notice where he was from. His original posts looked typical of the no-good American youth who could care less about proper spelling or sentence structure or punctuation; that, coupled with the topic and content, lead me to believe he was just a punk who wanted to learn how to be grievous. And it appears that I was quite wrong. emsley: My bad. Taratata: My use of the word "wannabe" did not refer to a person becoming a student, or desiring to learn. I meant "one who wishes to impress/be impressive without the use of much effort or skill or knowledge." Your use of "wannabe" seems to imply a student-like or disciple-like position (which I find strange; I've never seen "wannabe" used in a positive light before). Alexis: No hard feelings? As for poking around in your registry, give it a shot. Can't hurt anything if you're careful. Also, check out and download some source code for some windows-based apps. Like... the source code for 7zip. It's available at sourceforge, give it a look. There's a program available for Windows called SoftIce (at least, I think that's what it's called). It shows whatever assembly-level code is running, and is used in the cracking of apps like mIRC and the such. You might can find some resources concerning this program online, or on a P2P network. --Nezumi; often sarcastic, sometimes humble.
alexis Posted February 2, 2004 Author Posted February 2, 2004 First of all i would like tho thank Emsley for his support, i also believe i should apologise myself too, i was really enraged, i want to know about more about programming and the net, i aslways believed that hacking and cracking was the best way to learn since what they do is absolutely based on knowledge and not in some title or something.Of course there are no hard feelings dude , thnx for your advice i will take it into account.
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