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Alcohol 120 is usually better to burn isos I think, or at least thats what I hear. I know its at least better for.bin/.cue, and thats what usually Isos come in. It can also burn.nrg's, so your safe there too.


Download the latest Nero 5.5 NOT 6!!! 6 BLOWS!! and ill accidentally email you my serial


oh yeah and ill accidentally send you my alchohol 120% and serial for that too


send me an IM/email


Shibathedog (AIM)



and then ill accidentally email you some stuff i accidentally downloaded on a P2P program i accidentally installed


Good point about Nero 6. You can burn some games, but bigger ones didn't seem to burn. Nero 6 is like a downgrade.


Nero 6 is crap because they tried to make it look flashy and such, but its SO flashy it screws everything up...or at least thats my half-assed theory (its 1:06AM right now)

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