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Hey guys really need your help on this one, i have calabrated my six button pad correctly within xp.

When i got to configure buttons in neo geo rage, ex calibrate up, i click with left mouse button and this comes up BTN5

which is wierd it happens on every config i e down left right.?

I really suck at pad config


I will look into it in a bit.... until then, great new avatar!


Hey tapeworm, i changed my calibration in xp to a 4 buton pad everything is ok now.

Important, are neo geo pads and aneo geo arcade pads all 4 buttons only if so i have sorted it out.

The only trouble i have now is with mame32 i have street fighter alpha rom the buttons are crazy on a pad it makes it unplayable, im missing out street fighter alpha man because of mames lousey,

pad congifg?


Did it work out for you? If not, what do you mean the buttons are crazy? They respond crazily???


I had a psx lookalike pad, the thing was i configured the pad to 6 bottons, the buttons L 2 AND R 2 were screwed up iof you pressed any of them they would stay on like an auto fire, i couldent fix the problem so decided to open the pad up and dissconect L 1 AND R 2 internalie, as arnold would say BIG MISTAKE i couldent put it back to gether got mad and thumped the pad and smashed it up:bounce:

I am now useing a micro soft pad the origanol sidewinder and boy does this pad suck the big one, its the worst pad in exsistance, you cannot play 3fa because the pad pad must be emerged in treacle:bounce:


The cheapy lookalikes have buttons on the top like a psx controller, but alot of them are auto-fire buttons for one of the regular buttons. Esentially, it autofires the triangle, square, circle, x instead of actually being a seperate button. If thats the case, buy a better controller that says specifically it has enough buttons to map for each a psx would have. Thrustmaster Dualpower is great!!!!


When i get round to it i will purchase the pad you reccomended, i have faith in thee:bounce:

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