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Open to all. If you can, please include the buttons pressed. Without cheats is without infinity Maximum.



Malin Iori


df +AC, A, Change Attack, DM into 8 Cups of Wine - 20 Hits


Iori Gato


Dive in D, A, Change Attack, A, dp+A super cancel to Kiba DM - 6 hits



Serious Mr.Karate


dp+C, qcf qcf+D, dp+C, qcf qcf+D, dp+C, qcf qcf+D, qcf + C, f hcf + A - Should hit around 20 or so


Violent Ken

qcb qcb+D, qcf+B cancel into dp+C, qcf+B cancel into dp+C, qcf+B cancel into dp+C, qcf+B cancel into dp+C, qcf+B cancel into Exceed or DM - Should be around 36 Hits vary's between what you do at the end.


Those are my combos, post yours too!

Killer Intinct

Orchid - 32 to 34 hits without ultra - 46 to 48 with ultra - snes version

arcade version - a lot!!!

32 to 34 without Ultra? Man...that should already qualify as an Ultra. :D

Posted (edited)

KI got some looping combos so i wouldnt be surprised if thats not yet an Ultra. heck i managed to perform some of them (reaching 60+hits i believe) ON THE GAMEBOY VERSION


just consider the GB control limitations compared SNES KI, then...you know :D

Edited by Xeon

Theres a video that I downloaded of a custom combo done by M.Bison in CvS2 using A Groove. You know how his sweep is like right? Well he kept doing that for ages and juggled the CPU for about 5 seconds and then doing that "F,D,DF,HP" move where he drops his fist which he did again and again for another 5 seconds. Its hard for me to explain but it looked VERY impressive.


I'll post a link to the video if I can find it again.


I made a long ass one in math today [we were being rehashed on area of a circle] that had malin and ash that got about 34 hits, and it luckily worked :P


*tests it out with kailerra*


I suck at combos. That's why I suck at the playing roms. I need to find my Sidewinder!! I can't believe I lost it.


But I did this combo with Terry and Joe (Terry was leader) on my keyboard. Forgot the exact number but I enjoyed it.


Stand A->Stand A->Tag Attack Joe->Bakuretsu Ken->Bakuretsu Finish (A)->Screw Upper


New combos, I saw in the a video.


Theres a Jhun bug where he stays in mid air.


Malin Terry


Do her rdp + A/C so that her yoyo is underneat Jhun, bring out Terry and do his Power Geyser DM, then his Buster Wolf DM. It may not seem much, but it's a "Bugged" Combo that looks cool




Perform while the character you're fighting is running the other way.


Press A alot of times, but make sure you press forward after you press A everytime, or else you get knocked back. Then do his Kiba DM. I was able to do 25 hits.


has anyone watched the kof 2001 infinite combo videos?


The one by Orichinagi, KOFColumbia and KoFCyberfan?

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