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serial experiments lain:

the best anime you can watch.


it's what the matrix should've been.

yeah, interesting story. i thought the animation could have been better though; too much cell/scene recycling, imo (but maybe they were intentional). that was the only anime series discs i actually bought.


ghibli films get my vote: lapyuta, nausicaa, sento..., mononoke, pom-poko, majyo..., mimiwo..., umiga..., kurenai..., totoro, and lupin (movie) discs sit on the shelf. kurenainobuta is my favorite~


i'm a bit disappointed with the nekonoongaeshi disc... cute story but looks a little rushed. "ghiblies 2" episodes on the same disc are hilarious though.


recently bought "metropolis"... nice story and great animation.


oh, and... subs all the way. i know some people prefer to watch rather than "read" but you get used to subs after awhile. dubs are okay if done _properly_.




i've been trying to pull my ghibli discs onto xvid. (i pulled kurenai with divx505 awhile back but xvid seems a better choice) anybody know of optimal xvid/avisynth settings (and filters)? especially with noisy sources. nausicaa disc is pretty noisy but i did default xvid encode anyway (no filters). looks alright i guess... but there's room for improvement. yeah yeah, doom9, i know... just throwing it out there to see how forum members do anime backups (if they do at all)~



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I love Anime. No matter how old they really are, anime is good to entertain everyone. :D


Recently own/bought.....


[series] - Some series are not completed!

Video Girl Ai

Sakura War - Ecole de Paris


E'S Otherwise

Twelve Kingdoms

Saiyuki ReLoad

R.O.D. The TV

Sign For Evolution

Tales of Eternia - The Animation


Last Exile

Ninja Scroll

Full Metal Panic

Full Metal Panic - Famoffu

D.N. Angel



Ah My Goddess - The Movie

Sakura War - The Movie

Sakura War - Sumire

X - The Movie



Just in case anyone here doesn't know (though I'm sure most do), the easiest/best places to acquire anime (especially new and current series) are:



-Excellent site that tracks the biggest anime bittorrent trackers and lists all the new files posted each day. I think it updates every 20 minutes.




Here is a website for all you Overnet lovers, like me! :D


Anime DB


You have to join (which is free and spam free), but it gives you INSANE amounts of anime to download in eD2K link form. Here is a tutorial if you are lost in how to use it.


Anime DB Tutorial


Hey, I have seen Berserk! I also had the game for DC. Ah, the good old days of DC.... :P




I actually perfer watching anime in subtitles because the voice acting is the way it was supposed to be, it get's supidm when they translate it because there a lot of japanese terms that we dont use in english like "senpai" upper classmen(i guess) and i'd rather hear the way they say stuff in japanese, even though i may not understand them half of the time. I think it's becuase they never hire good overvoice actors. plus reading subtitles makes you learn to read faster since you're trying to read the script and watch the movie at the same time. Just watch a series with subtitles and then watch it with out it and decided which one you liked better, you'll understand if you really like the anime, and no dbz crap, watch naruto or full metal panic.


I'm more compfortable with subtitles, since every show here is subtitled. Btw, it's "sempai". :D

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