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Marvel Entertainment and EA have announced plans for a series of fighting games pitting newly developed EA characters against Marvel superheroes like Spider-Man. The deal includes more than 100 Marvel characters (NOT Hulk or Punisher) and "newly created" EA characters. The first game should debut in 2005.




I can see it now...


Tiger Woods vs Spiderman, Alice vs Wolverine, Madden vs Magneto... :lol:

I was just about to post that! I bet it will be 3D though. And that means suckage.

I really doubt EA will opt for a 2D fighting game. :lol:


its very unfortunate that EAs business model is becoming the norm for videogame sales. companies push out re-hash after re-has of games that arent even FUN. i honestly dont understand what people see in their retarded sports games, not to mention the god-awful MoH series.


come to think of it, does EA even have a studio that has ever in their existance produced a fighting game? this should be good for a laugh.


At least EA's "products" will only be unleashed on unsuspecting fighting fans. Imagine the unspeakable evil they'd spew forth if EA could bastardize Marvels' characters IN ANY GENRE THEY FELT LIKE!





I remember when EA released good games. Back in the mid-late 90s. Now all they do is sports games and crap.


If this Marvel fighting game is 2D, I will be shocked. It may be like Marvel Super Heroes but with a hundred characters. That could be cool...


Just think

100 characters - 3 on 3 tag action - at least 33 battles!!! - 25 or 50 cents a game - hours of fun - imagine beating 100 character with one try - CRAZY S-HIT!!!


if they made a game that is as similar as Xmen Mutant Academy 1/2, then forget it.. this is a bad idea IMHO, I mean sure 3D fighter games by Namco like the Tekken and Soul Calibur franchise are dominant, but Marvel and EA doesnt go together.. marvel should stick with capcom and have marvel vs. capcom 3 develope :lol:

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