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Just woundering what kinde of books you digging?

It can be anything, mucky mags, a flyer from wallmart, or shakespears novels, owt man.

At the moment im a discworld freak cant stop buying them.



Hi everyone! ;)


I haven't read a decent book in years.

The only book I'm reading currently, is a 2002-2003 Tech school courses and information book. Time to upgrade mah skillz. :)

Hi everyone! ;)


I haven't read a decent book in years.

The only book I'm reading currently, is a 2002-2003 Tech school courses and information book. Time to upgrade mah skillz. :)


IJTF whats up how you doing, and nice to have you here, I am in the same boat as you as for the book reading.

Just woundering what kinde of books you digging?

if magazine counts..then it would be gaming mags for me. Already a subscriber of " Official ps2 mag, " EGM " and GamePro for over a yr. Practically reading it everyday :P


And if your from rainy england the only multiformat mag to have is gamesmaster.

If anyone ever watched this show in england do you remeber domanick diamond? the only guy in the world who could say pants !

And make it sound cool:cool:


I'm big on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series (woohoo new one coming in Nov!) and pretty much anything by Robert A. Salvatore especially his Dark Elf series.


the wheel of time,Is that si fi fantasy? if so i might check it out is

it any good?


Do androids dream of electric sheeps and Flow my tears the policeman said were my last books also Difficult Times from Dickens and Steppenwolf from Hesse. Letters to Theo from Vincent Van Gogh. Then about Fine arts I read all day long every single day :P especially about painting. Art history, philosophy, psycology and pedagogy for school:regurg:, well in fact it is not that bad i enjoy most of them ;)


@Emsley- It's not really sci-fi, but it's definetly Fantasy. Very nice characters and original story. I highly recommend it if you haven't read any of them. The first one is called The Eye of the World and there is 9 so far in the series. They're absolutely huge books too, most of them around 900 pages (paperback) or more.


@Alexis-David Copperfield by Dickens is one of my all time favorite books. (isn't it Hard Times though and not Difficult Times? i could be wrong...)


Good beer delights the heart of man too!:P


yes it is, sorry i was translating it from spanish :P, well i haven´t read David Copperfield yet, i will, Dickens rox. ;)

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