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Okay, I just acquired a full set of MAME roms for my Xbox, however after trying to upload all of them, it failed to transfer some. After doing some research, it seems the Xbox has a 4096 files limit per folder, so now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to add the other ROMs.


So before I venture further down this quest, I thought I'd ask if anyone else has figured out a way around this limit. I checked for an INI file or config file to add/modify the ROM Path, but I didn't see one and it didn't mention that in the Readme.


Any suggestions, or should I just delete all the red roms that don't work so I might have enough room??

Posted (edited)

first offf, you do know that mame on xbox doesn't have vmm right? without that you can run most of the roms that are big or even small yet big for memory use (sf1 for example) unless you got the extra 64mb in your xbox

personaly i would wait it out since the mame ox maker just annouced that he'll start new updates as of april

Edited by Prican25
Posted (edited)

Yeah, I knew it didn't have VMM. I'm just on an Archive binge for my Xbox and most of my sets are done except for the bigs ones like MAMEoX, FBAX, and Kawa-X.


Did he mention in his update if his next release will include VMM, 'cause it seems all the others do now. :lol:


Edit: I just read the news on Xbox-Scene. I guess no VMM until at least April. :)

Edited by Vermillion
  Vermillion said:
I thought I'd ask if anyone else has figured out a way around this limit.

Yeah.....that's an easy fix mate! Just make a roms2 folder in the MAMEoX. Put #-m in roms, and n-z in roms2. Then start MAMEoX.....go into the options, and it has a tab to change directories. There are about 5 slots for different rom directories. Just change the 2nd one to roms2. Do a rescan of the Roms and there you go. All 4752 games!


I wish they would do the same thing with screen shots, but it seems to be limited to one directory. I also wish that the clone games would show the parent screen shot if the parent has one supplied.


I hope this helps.


PS: cheat.dat goes in the GENERAL folder, and hiscore.dat goes in the HISCORES folder. I wish they would include these in the MAMEoX release too.

  Prican25 said:
first offf, you do know that mame on xbox doesn't have vmm right? without that you can run most of the roms that are big or even small yet big for memory use (sf1 for example) unless you got the extra 64mb in your xbox

personaly i would wait it out since the mame ox maker just annouced that he'll start new updates as of april

You don't need VMM to play pacman, total carnage, robotron and 1000's of other MAME games. I see no reason to wait for VMM to enjoy MAMEoX.


dunno about you but i see slowdown even in pac-man games (play pac-man jr and you'll definitely see it) small price but when vmm is added it won't be a prob

Posted (edited)

try this MAMEoX_v0.79.1b no VMM but new core


you can add 5 path of rom i think in mameox 4096*5=20480 ( you don't have 20480 roms )


FOR ADD ROM PATH : no.INI to modify just run mameox on your box and change path in mameox menu

Edited by rekcah2000a

one mayor note tho: There were some changes to memory handling in the MAME core in the last couple of releases, it's very possible more memory is required to run specific games now


that sucks, i'm sticking with 72 till the vmm is added


and why 72? cuz its the best version to run the mk games


Yeah, I figured out the multiple ROM paths thing the other day ago.


I think I'm gonna stick with what I have until MAME w/ VMM comes out. Maybe once VMM comes out, it might have a new Core as well (granted how fast MAME releases are).


Time to wait for April.



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