Rag Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 (edited) Ahhh Mame is awesome. You can't badmouth something like that. I've never really had trouble with it running sluggish and I don't have a great computer. Its simple to use if you ask me. The command prompt of it may take a while to get used to, but if you don't like it, get a frontend or better, MAME32. My first arcade emu, I'm sticking with it Edited February 12, 2004 by Rag
Diso Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 Felt like making this because I hate MAME... and I'm tired of all the MAME fanboys saying that people who hate MAME hate it because they have a sucky PC. I have an uber PC... MAME runs without trouble on my PC, but I absolutely hate it. It has no advantage that other emus don't have, and it lacks things like macros and a good interface, external rom dats, etc. People who like MAME say "It runs 4000 games, that makes it own!" But how many games do these people play on it? Probably around 100 tops, and that would be for collectors. Nobody plays those old obsolete games anyway... everyone that is serious about emulation plays things from the NES up. As far as arcades go, people play CPS-1 and 2, Neo-Geo, Zn-1 and 2, and the other major systems. That's why Mr. X and El Semi were smart enough to not include all the old pong and donkey kong games, no one plays them. Anyway, vote and be merry.I have the crappiest pc you can imagine. Yes it includes a Pentium II and I still like it because kawaks has that gay "YOU CAN"T RUN THIS WITHOUT SOUND!" feature. Sometimes, I prefer to play games without sound because its better not to hear weird music and all those grunts and missiles exploding all the time. I still love mame and stuff. Macros suck. If you use them, you probably won't get far in a tournament. Have you ever wondered why many good clans such as the -x- team use mame? Thats because they don't want some idiot that macroed every one of Ryu's combos to beat them
Rag Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 better topic, why do I suck mwahahahh I KEED I KEED
cosmic_lord Posted February 12, 2004 Author Posted February 12, 2004 I frrigin' love mame man!! I don't see what the problem is? Hell...even when I was a newbie more than a year ago I knew how to configure it well. I don't see what ppl have against mame anways, it doesn't even eat up a lot of cpu if you know what to configure your settings to *cough*d3d renderring*cough*, I even have p2p programs open and it still runs good at full screen+smoothness and no slowdown. If you don't want to configure the stuff thats on the imterface, then just use the gott damn command line. wtf is so ugly about the interface anyways? If there's one emulator I don't like its neorage. Its stupid because it can only play a hacked p1 file and kof99 and any game later can only be a bootleg(or decrypted) set. btw, that choiceIts lack of external dats makes the process of adding new games too time consumingits not hard, nor is it time consuming. It only takes me like 5mins to whip up a mame driver(unless its encrypted). Hell...if you were gonna attempt to compile mame, you coulda just asked me and I would've given you a guide on how to add decrypted drivers....same goes for fba, I compile that too I already compiled MAME32 Plus.079 to accomdate the fixes in KOF2003. Believe me, I can do it without any trouble, I actually wrote a very in depth guide on how to do so for ppl who didn't know. But, it's finally out for a decent Emulator so I deleted MAME with a hallaluah and a sigh of relief. Somebody said "what's so ugly about the interface?" I never said the interface was ugly. I said it sucked. Basically, if you want to configure controls, you have a lot of scrolling to do for one thing, whereas other emulators keep them all in one window... but in mame they are one line at a time so you could have to hold the down arrow key for like 30 seconds to get to what you want. Also, it doesn't allow macros, which are a nice thing to have now and then for moves like Somersault Justice (Charge DB, Press DF,DB,UF+K). Yes, people abuse macros, when they set the hadoken and crap like that to them, but some moves are annoying to do and those I actually see a purpose for using macros on. Well, compiling mame... takes "so little time". Writing in the extra code you need takes about 5 minutes if you do it from scratch, and then the actual compiling takes 10 or 15 minutes... and that's on my computer... (3.00 Ghz, 1024 MB RAM). Well, I can open up Nebula and add in a dat in about 30 seconds. Much time saved there. As many new dats as I add and edit, I'd be compiling mame about a dozen times a week, with all the patches etc. to be implemented. Resource wise, MAME never bothered me, except for the fact that a single save state is like 10 MB... whereas on any other emulator a save state is like 20kb or something like that. That's ridiculous... I mean, even with a huge hard drive that could cause you problems... my folder that I keep all of my emulators in is 2.82 GB as it is... I don't need 10 MB save states adding to it. MAME may have few faults, but it doesn't have any advantages. That's my point... and that's why I have no clue why people love it so much. It's not user friendly... I mean a newbie would have no clue how to compile it or whatever, and downloading a compiled version would take much more time than going to some site and copying and pasting a dat file for one of the better emulators. The interface isn't really user friendly either... newbies wouldn't know what thigns like BIOS and stuff like that meant. Actually, the only thing that MAME has that I wish the other emus did, is that it's open source. It really doesn't affect me since I don't use MAME, but I wish the good emulators were open source too. That would make it easy to run games like KOF2003 that use alternate bank switching.
vxneko Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 Resource wise, MAME never bothered me, except for the fact that a single save state is like 10 MB... whereas on any other emulator a save state is like 20kb or something like that. That's ridiculous... I mean, even with a huge hard drive that could cause you problems... my folder that I keep all of my emulators in is 2.82 GB as it is... I don't need 10 MB save states adding to it.personally, i never had to use save state. i wanted mame to emulate the coin-op feel... of course, i'm not inserting quarters into the cdrom drive but... i just push the coin button if i want to continue. ugly gui, slow-as-hell, or other complaints aside... i _need_ mame to play strike force!!! and terra-cresta!!! as far as sentimentality goes, mame's got all other emulators beat. Nobody plays those old obsolete games anyway... everyone that is serious about emulation plays things from the NES upi'm one of the old farts who play those obscure games. i love butasan... and chicken shift~ even the old donkeykong games. a sucker for old, dumbass games i am. cosmic_lord, you don't speak for everyone. i may be in the minority but there are many that appreciate mame because it has games that old farts like me love to play. (i'm not trying to be offensive... i'm just saying you're wrong ) don't undermine the power of sentimentality. it ends up driving you to old, obscure games, puhahahaha~~~ anyway, this poll is FLAWED!!! there should be a "wha!?!? it doesn't suck!" option. *waves fist in the air*
Rag Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 The configuration screen is fine, you don't need to scroll that much and I'm sure there was a way to scroll faster. As for state saves... do you really need them? I don't consider those faults, I think your kinda expecting too much or being too picky about it.
Diso Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 Resource wise, MAME never bothered me, except for the fact that a single save state is like 10 MB... whereas on any other emulator a save state is like 20kb or something like that. That's ridiculous... I mean, even with a huge hard drive that could cause you problems... my folder that I keep all of my emulators in is 2.82 GB as it is... I don't need 10 MB save states adding to it.personally, i never had to use save state. i wanted mame to emulate the coin-op feel... of course, i'm not inserting quarters into the cdrom drive but... i just push the coin button if i want to continue. ugly gui, slow-as-hell, or other complaints aside... i _need_ mame to play strike force!!! and terra-cresta!!! as far as sentimentality goes, mame's got all other emulators beat. Nobody plays those old obsolete games anyway... everyone that is serious about emulation plays things from the NES upi'm one of the old farts who play those obscure games. i love butasan... and chicken shift~ even the old donkeykong games. a sucker for old, dumbass games i am. cosmic_lord, you don't speak for everyone. i may be in the minority but there are many that appreciate mame because it has games that old farts like me love to play. (i'm not trying to be offensive... i'm just saying you're wrong ) don't undermine the power of sentimentality. it ends up driving you to old, obscure games, puhahahaha~~~ anyway, this poll is FLAWED!!! there should be a "wha!?!? it doesn't suck!" option. *waves fist in the air* Yes the poll is flawed. Thats just being biased against mame for not even putting a simple. I like mame so much that I could marry it. so some people can actually vote for it
Rag Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 Nobody plays those old obsolete games anyway... everyone that is serious about emulation plays things from the NES up Lots of those old games are really fun. Simple games to play when you've got nothing to do. Have you ever played Bagman???
ovalprocess Posted February 12, 2004 Posted February 12, 2004 Nobody plays those old obsolete games anyway... everyone that is serious about emulation plays things from the NES up Lots of those old games are really fun. Simple games to play when you've got nothing to do. Have you ever played Bagman??? right on. the only people who make disparaging comments about classic games are the people who were born too late to appreciate them.
cosmic_lord Posted February 12, 2004 Author Posted February 12, 2004 Well, most of the people who love mame so much, have never tried any other emulators. They're either too stubborn to, or have tried them and are too stubborn to change. Fact is, MAME is beaten hands down by almost any other emulator. If you want to play pong and crap like that, keep it around. Otherwise, there's absolutely no reason to use it. If I ever played games that old, I would keep mame, and only use it for those games... but I don't, so I have no need for the piece of crap. There's no such thing as "expecting too much." Save states aren't a big deal at all... look at their small file size in all of the good emulators. Besides, there is no such thing as expecting too much. All the other emulators have several features that MAME doesn't have. If having those is too much to ask of MAME... then that just proves my point.
cosmic_lord Posted February 12, 2004 Author Posted February 12, 2004 For the record, I don't dislike vintage games. I actually love some of them... like Final Fantasy I for the regular Nintendo... that was some good stuff. But realistically, people spend a vast majority of their time playing CPS-x, neo-geo, or ZN-1 and ZN-2 or something liek that games. That's why there's no reason to use MAME all the time just because it supports a few thousand of those old games. Old games are good now and then for a bit of nastalgia... but there's no reason to use MAME for the newer games. You can have two emulators... and I highly suggest you do so... because MAME just plain sucks in that aspect. Half of you cannot even argue this point because you've never even tried any other emulator. Anyway, the point is, keep MAME around for old games. Avoid it whenever possible and use a better emulator for the newer games. There is absolutely no reason to not do this... and you all know it. The only positive thing I've ever heard that MAME has that other emus don't is that it supports those old games... so obviously, when you're talking about comparing running new games on MAME or another emu, MAME gets owned.
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