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If you're old school, you'll know where this came from.


"The president has been kidnapped.  Are you bad enough to save him?"

Bad Dudes. It's "President Ronnie has been kidnapped by Ninjas. Are you bad enough dude to save Ronnie?"

Edited by Agozer
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i'm old school. I wish i kept my nintendo :)


Sir.... you don't deserve to live :D if you really want an nes just go to ebay and buy one, don't think it too much.


29 years old and been playing since I was about 7, it all started with an atari then it was SMS, NES, Genesis, SNES, TG16, Saturn, PS, DC, PS2, GC, &Xbox. in that order with extra genesis, snes, and ps2 in there to replace broken or traded systems. I guess I'm old school..


Well, I have been playing since the Atari and Amiga 500 eras. I love my Amiga 500 and still play its classics to this day. And I love retrogaming.


I guess I'm old school.


I'm 24, and remember very well when the NES came out and already had the systems that were before it. And I've been playing ever since..so I consider myself without a doubt to be "old school". Hell, I think it's genetic cause my mom owns at everything from old Mario games to GranTurismo's LOL..for real..she wrecks me on the dirt tracks...


My friend's mother used to totally own in Super Mario 2 on the NES. I haven't seen her play in ages, but man, she was good.

what makes an old school gamer?

someone who plays old games or was there at the time?

what are old school games? pac man? asteroids? Street fighter 2?

i had a c64 computer so does that mean i am old school?


hang on, is it good to be considered old school,

"yes, i am an old school gamer. i have wasted all these years playing games" :D

An old school gamer to me is someone who truly appreciates classic games. I get so sick of hearing people say (not anyone here but generally speaking) " that game is so old" or " the graphics suck" etc about classic games from the 8 bit days and such. Quite a few realize that some of the great games that are out today are a result from a lot of the classics from way back. Metroid, zelda, Mario, Sonic, Castlevania, Mega Man, Street Fighter( the list goes on and on). Yes as we all know, games these days are better in graphics and processing power but a lot of games today lack what a lot of games had back then.... FUN!!!! I am proud to say that i still play nintendo games just for that very reason. Games like Zelda for the nes are timeless, it still holds up very well to this day Double Dragon is still the best beat em up to date which is one of my favourite of all time.. A true gamer knows great games regardless of their age or time.

what makes an old school gamer?

someone who plays old games or was there at the time?

what are old school games? pac man? asteroids? Street fighter 2?

i had a c64 computer so does that mean i am old school?


hang on, is it good to be considered old school,

"yes, i am an old school gamer. i have wasted all these years playing games" ;)

An old school gamer to me is someone who truly appreciates classic games. I get so sick of hearing people say (not anyone here but generally speaking) " that game is so old" or " the graphics suck" etc about classic games from the 8 bit days and such. Quite a few realize that some of the great games that are out today are a result from a lot of the classics from way back. Metroid, zelda, Mario, Sonic, Castlevania, Mega Man, Street Fighter( the list goes on and on). Yes as we all know, games these days are better in graphics and processing power but a lot of games today lack what a lot of games had back then.... FUN!!!! I am proud to say that i still play nintendo games just for that very reason. Games like Zelda for the nes are timeless, it still holds up very well to this day Double Dragon is still the best beat em up to date which is one of my favourite of all time.. A true gamer knows great games regardless of their age or time.

I think thats true in some ways or something like that,


In my opinion,

An old school gamer is someone who has played games since the beginning. I think because of the diversity of many systems, we can define many old school gamers.


If we got gamers from the atari age like myself, then we're really old school. But someone from the psx era can be seen as old school itself. They really like old games and try to find them.


A TRUE practically enjoys every game and tries to find the enjoyment in it. They usually give games a chance and don't turn it off after playing it for 3 minutes just to give some hope for the game for making it good. :)


The Old school and True gamer definitions are varied depending on your opinion :D


It's a pity that true gamers are hard to find in this new generation of shithead children. I remember once I was in Electonics Boutique and these two 11 year olds (I'm assuming they were 11 because they were so stupid) were arguing which game was better based solely on GRAPHICS! I think they were comparing Ratchet and Clank and the new Prince of Persia game. They weren't comparing how those 2 games actually play totally different from each other and have completely different styles. They were rationalizing their decisions solely on graphics. If one of those kids was my child, I would have smacked him upside the head and forced him to play the classics. "Sit! Now play Super Mario Bros.! Play Zelda 1! Play Pitfall!"


And the future is going down the toilet :D

It's a pity that true gamers are hard to find in this new generation of shithead children. I remember once I was in Electonics Boutique and these two 11 year olds (I'm assuming they were 11 because they were so stupid) were arguing which game was better based solely on GRAPHICS! I think they were comparing Ratchet and Clank and the new Prince of Persia game. They weren't comparing how those 2 games actually play totally different from each other and have completely different styles. They were rationalizing their decisions solely on graphics. If one of those kids was my child, I would have smacked him upside the head and forced him to play the classics. "Sit! Now play Super Mario Bros.! Play Zelda 1! Play Pitfall!" 


And the future is going down the toilet ;)



Someone made a flash movie about kids today and how they don't respect the classics and how games are today




<2 kids playing pong>


Kid 1: This game sucks


Kid 2: I know, where are all the photon lasers and stuff?


Kid 1: No explosive balls? How did people live back then?




Thats how much the community sucks today. Can't even go online gaming without being called a hacker or a newbie nowadays :(

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