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Posted (edited)

I was gonna advocate a bit of peace here, but after I found out that this thread may be locked soon :o. This thread has been fun.I will admit things were said, and people may have gotten their feelings hurt, but it was all in the name of keeping this forum free of liars and false claims. I think we should keep this topic unlocked as an example of what will happen if you come on here posting bs.


Oh and Frost, I have come to think that you perhaps genuinely believe that your friend has written this emulator. If so I suppose we seemed a bit harsh. But know that your 'friend' (and I will say he doesn't seem like much of a friend) has either a)plugged his dreamcast into his PC, or b. was playing SFAIII and you got genuinely confused. If it is the case that you honestly did think that your friend wrote this emulator I'd hate to think that you're gonna stop coming here because of this nastiness. but if you are lying, then use this as an example of what happens when you post bs like this on a serious emulation forum :). <--he he, you got ninja'd.


Also, in the 0.00001% chance that your friend HAS written a cps3 emulator, know that he is what is wrong with the emulation scene. I remember reading pages of info about before cps-2 emulation was cracked, and there was a genuine feeling that the "l33t" in the scene were playing cps2 games well before publically released emulators are available. It was actually a dig about a certain well known rom dumper (not the Guru). If this was true, it is against the "spirit of emulation". Admittedly, emulator writers would get sick of reading a thousand GIMME ROMS D00D posts a week, but anyone who would post anything such as asking for roms or bios's on official emulator message boards shouldn't (yet) be considered part of the emulation scene, and will prob get banned from those forums pretty quickly. Look how quickly dolphin got released, and conversely icarus has had 4 years without a single public release, and yet both of those emulators are well-known to emulation-fanatics, and further releases are eagerly anticipated, by people genuinely interested in seeing different hardware emulated on your pc, not just the "GIMME ROMS D00D" lam0rs. Anyone who is truly part of the "emulation scene" would regard something like cps3 emulation as important enough to share with the community, if for no other reason than the interest in furthering emulation progress. And if he truly were a friend, he'd at least give you the emulator (or is he maybe not doing that because he is LYING??? <_< )


<ALTHOugh, i as with all of you DC++ users have probably found people sharing cps3/naomi roms. The excuse was always "people are collecting them now so they don't have to when the emulators come out, but perhaps there

s been a cps3 emulator for ages, but only the "uber-l33t" know about it. Can someone say conspiracy? :-D....... ;) >

I'm sorry if this post was long and rambling and didn't make much sense, but I'm home from uni with the flu so i'm probably not making much sense at the moment.

Edited by random guy
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Damn...that was a nice post. I was hoping for something more angry there randomguy. <_< But he didn't personally attack you so I really shouldn't have expected one. I agree with what you have to say in your post but I would have added a little more tang. :)


I really hope he doesn't think SFAIII is SFIII then that means he's even more of an idiot.


But in time we'll see a CPS-3 emulator, and if Frost's friend had anything to do with it then I will apologize then.


But for now I still think his DreamCast is plugged into to his PC and doesn't realize it.

Damn...that was a nice post. I was hoping for something more angry there randomguy

Who me? :lol:


Well, I didn't like what he said, for a start it was blatantly homophobic (what are we, 12, people? - "u r gay" "no u r gay" "u are uberfag lol" etc... that sh*t just doesn't belong here...(Griffinclaw, maybe you should listen to this as well, but I'm going to assume that your comments were a direct response to Frost's calling YOU gay). )


But I started feeling guilty about this whole thread...one of the things that attracted me to 1emulation.com was how NICE this forum is compared to, well, every other forum ever! Even with 2589 members (at this point), GameCop and the rest still manage to keep things civil, and the majority of members (or at least the ones that post regularly) here genuinely enjoy helping people out with their problems. I guess that gives me more justification to attack him as he definitely broke those rules, but maybe I've just let my guard down 'cause I'm sick.

Posted (edited)
Well, I didn't like what he said, for a start it was blatantly homophobic (what are we, 12, people? - "u r gay" "no u r gay" "u are uberfag lol" etc... that sh*t just doesn't belong here...(Griffinclaw, maybe you should listen to this as well, but I'm going to assume that your comments were a direct response to Frost's calling YOU gay). )

You assume correctly. That was a direct response to his childish post. I decided to repond with a more adult tone as can be seen with my mock (probably pretty close to what actually happens) conversation. I usually don't fly off the handle like that, but this was such a great comedic opportunity that comes every once in a while so I just had to do it. :lol:


And I'm not homophobic at all. If I were homophobic, I wouldn't have lived with my gay roommate in high school for two years. Yeah, it's true but we had rules. If he couldn't have "fun" with a guy in our room, I couldn't have "fun" with a girl. :D It was tough but well worth it.


But yeah, I'm amazed with the pleasant going ons on this board. I feel bad for participating in this flame war but hey, someone had to do it. :D

Edited by GryphonKlaw

i think that this 11 pages of flaming is just a chance for evveryone on this board to let off steam :lol:

since were so

One sentence: This board is cool and easy-going

some n00b has to bear our wrath when we are angry :D

i think that this 11 pages of flaming is just a chance for evveryone on this board to let off steam  :D

since were so

One sentence: This board is cool and easy-going

some n00b has to bear our wrath when we are angry :D

Correction: This board is cool and easy-going APART from this particular thread. :lol:


This thread is like a case of burning hemorrhoids on a normally healthy board. You maybe clean and healthy, but sometimes these things will happen.

This thread is like a case of burning hemorrhoids on a normally healthy board. You maybe clean and healthy, but sometimes these things will happen.

thats whats i was tring to say

i think that this 11 pages of flaming is just a chance for evveryone on this board to let off steam  :P

since were so

One sentence: This board is cool and easy-going

some n00b has to bear our wrath when we are angry :angry:

Correction: This board is cool and easy-going APART from this particular thread. :P

Yeah, I like things that way...everyone needs a chance to break out their poison-fangs sometimes!


Or the ownage stick :lol:

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