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I'd go with Trillian 2.01 It has skin support, custom emoticon support, file transfers, plugins (The weather plugin is great), support for IRC, AIM, Yahoo, MSN, Jabber, and ICQ. Also, if you wish to write your own plugin, the sdk is available for download.

That's just me though...

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I can get you the older versions of AIM if you want it. upgrading to the new AIM totally messed up my buddy list and stuff.. I had to reinstall old AIM and my DeadAim. :) At any rate, just PM me for the older version or something and ill give you the link. That Trillion stuff you guys are talking about sounds pretty interesting. I think i'll try that. :o

Posted (edited)

Andyman, what the hell is your avatar? Looks a like a cross between a dildo and a llama.

Edited by GryphonKlaw
Andyman, what the hell is your avatar? Looks a like a cross between a dildo and a llama.

Someone in the Neo-Geo Uploaders forum used a modied version of that as an avatar. He also told me what it was, but I can't remember for the life of me...


flocking hilarious, nonetheless. :)


Since none of us know what its really called...Lets just call it my Crabdango.


At any rate...I started using Trillian and I have come to my conclusion... ITS flockEN FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!11!!1!!!!~!!


Great skins and everything. I still need to get all the kinks working and junk. All in all...this is a really good chatting thang. Someone tell me how to edit my profile.

Andyman, what the hell is your avatar? Looks a like a cross between a dildo and a llama.



It is one of the strangest avatar's I have ever seen but it is also the funniest...


Also....is it alright if I posted a link to Trillian 2.01 Pro on the forum or should I just use PM's?

Andyman, what the hell is your avatar? Looks a like a cross between a dildo and a llama.

it is my pet i am teaching him to do tricks. :)

Posted (edited)

Finally got around to check that creature... That creature is a Kelet.


And for your enjoyment, a kelet herd. :)




Honest to god, that's so disturbing, just look at their faces...

Edited by Agozer

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