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o yeah i remembered one more. after this one ill stop hahha. motaro, ultimate mortal kombat 3. the only way u can beat em is with sheeva doin a cheap stomp on him. so i wouldnt count that. i can never beat em playin it clean. :)

really? hmm..the only way I could beat him was with using jump kicks a lot

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Any end boss by SNK. thats all I can say

I would say Gill from Street Fighter III.  Just when you are about to kill him, he regenerates.  How gay...

He's actually not that hard, you just have to play him a couple of times to understand him, and how he moves, jump kicks and low kicks work good, and seans run tackle. :)


princess sissy.. :P


Gill is pretty easy. You just have to hit him right when he starts to regenerate. I think the hardest boss for my was Deus from Xenogears. The game was set up so that if you beat one of the four sub bosses, it would weaken the main boss, Deus. Instead i figured out how to beat him without going through any of the subbosses, because they just ended up weakening my characters. took me like 3 weeks to beat him like that and in the end i made up my own strategy guide on beating Deus just not to forget how :P


Pyron from Darkstalkers on the PSone. Never had much trouble with any other Capcom boss except him. That merman dude could be pretty tough too, when he was like the last guy before Pyron.


Oh, and any random SNK boss.



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