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Changing ui_logo:DrawLogo to this will get rid of the cube, and is easier to read:


void ui_logo::DrawLogo(bool GameInfo)
// draws the background	screen + burn lib version

g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL,D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER,0x00558788, 1.0f, 0L	);  
if (GameInfo)

m_Font.DrawText(320, 25, 0xFFFF7F7f, m_currentversion, XBFONT_CENTER_X);



And removing the CRC check is a bit silly, its there to make sure that the rom sets you have are not corrupted.

Posted (edited)

i could agree about the crc checks but many of us have different sets or use hacked roms (hacked p roms for bosses/planes and such) in which the crc check disabled helps since most ppl here can't hex to change the crc's.


thankyou for sharing info as we do appreciate your work and help.

Edited by Prican25
Posted (edited)
Changing ui_logo:DrawLogo to this will get rid of the cube, and is easier to read:


void ui_logo::DrawLogo(bool GameInfo)
// draws the background	screen + burn lib version

g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL,D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER,0x00558788, 1.0f, 0L	);  
if (GameInfo)

m_Font.DrawText(320, 25, 0xFFFF7F7f, m_currentversion, XBFONT_CENTER_X);



And removing the CRC check is a bit silly, its there to make sure that the rom sets you have are not corrupted.

lol, like i said, i knew there was an easier way of doing it...........but i honestly i would have never figured that out.


thanks Tmaul.

Edited by N3oGhost
And removing the CRC check is a bit silly, its there to make sure that the rom sets you have are not corrupted.

I also like having a "standard" crc check. It seems if you don't, you have alot of people saying "My blah blah game doesn't have blah blah enabled" or "So'n So said his game supports console mode, and mine doesn't"


I would think it best to findout what the best rom set is and code it in. Now if the emulator has a crc check, but still tries to run the game, even if it doesn't match, that is a great idea. That way you can try to find an "official" set, but still play whatever you have if it works.


I think not having a crc check, in a way makes things more confusing. Especially from the coders side. It would be hard to track down bugs with everyone using a different set of roms.


I'm all for standardization when it comes to roms. I'm real anal about that :D

Posted (edited)

one thing i'll like to know if tmual can possibly share is how to fix the neogeo bios bug. lantus said in the x-s forum that it was fixed in 4.1 but since that source was never released (will never be now) i'm just wondering if it can be fixed on b4 source.


those of you that don't know what bug i'm talking about; everytime you load a neogeo game it load into AES mode instead of MVS thats default.

Edited by Prican25
one thing i'll like to know if tmual can possibly share is how to fix the neogeo bios bug. lantus said in the x-s forum that it was fixed in 4.1 but since that source was never released (will never be now) i'm just wondering if it can be fixed on b4 source.


those of you that don't know what bug i'm talking about; everytime you load a neogeo game it load into AES mode instead of MVS thats default.

That's why I'm using B4.1 for the supported 495 games, and I hope lantus and tmaul aren't taking a permanent vacation. FBAX really needs some more work, especially in the configuration dept. I want a seperate config for CPS games and Neo games :D


well as far as i read lantus is taking a break from it due to all the spamming of compiled fbax's with kof2003 drivers. i wouldn't expect proly till next year but who knows.


hehe, i know nothing about this, so i probably shouldnt say anything, but i read this topic because im trying to get more into Xbox hacking than the lazy "FTP everything on and it just works" that im used to (which is quickly dying away) and i couldnt help but laugh, that cube must be damn annoying!!! a whole topic about killing an evil cube!!! hehe, can someone show me a screenshot of this evil cube that n30ghost did such a good job of killing so i can see how annoying it really is?

one thing i'll like to know if tmual can possibly share is how to fix the neogeo bios bug. lantus said in the x-s forum that it was fixed in 4.1 but since that source was never released (will never be now) i'm just wondering if it can be fixed on b4 source.


those of you that don't know what bug i'm talking about; everytime you load a neogeo game it load into AES mode instead of MVS thats default.

Probably then easiest way to do this would be to port the latest neogeo code from the windows version of FBA.

Probably then easiest way to do this would be to port the latest neogeo code from the windows version of FBA.

You make it sound simple. Is it as simple as you make it seem?



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