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Im always saying how great overnet is on the dreamcast forum, but installing it again after i reformatted my hard drive, Norton discovered a virus called: backdoor.blarul. It erased the file and didnt complete the overnet installation.



Just to let the rest of you know.


nice info there dude.. :angry:


All P2P networks have viruses and other such crap. The moral of the story is to only install software from trusted locations and within the confines of a restricted machine (properly patched, non-admin user account etc) if you're just testing out the software.


I hate those nasty backdoor intrusions :angry:

They're always trying to slip one in.

Posted (edited)

I shouldnt have to prove my self, i found what i found,

but i did a google search on backdoor.blarul, you get a lot of results in other languages and crap, but here are some links, of people with the same problem they seem to be getting it from edonkey and overnet programs.

Are your virus definitions updated?


This dude did a scan with AVG and cant find it, here is the link Quote :Have you looked in the Virus Vault? It could be that the file was already quarantined by AVG.




Another one translated from spanish



The 1st and 9th review down found the same trojan got it from edonkey, overnet is conected to edonkey right...



SPanish translated site


Edited by PLasticSlug

Nope. Ran Solo Antivirus, AVG, Avast, and Norton (all the best AntiVirus' there are)


Jack. Didn't find jack. Ya sure that you didn't DOWNLOAD the virus? Where did you get the installer from?


I just want proof so you don't defame the name that is Overnet, because I like the program a hell of a lot and we need as many people as we can get to share! :lol:




I got the virus when i downloaded it from overnet.com, When i downloaded the installer, overnet0.52.exe (could be the.52 version???). I then clicked to install it, which i was then able to do, and it went through all the set up features, and upon the last install part, norton caught the virus. It then gave me the only option of deleting the virus, which then lead to some of the files of overnet to not be there. about half in the folder did not get installed. I then called up my friend who's computer i also reformatted very recently and installed the norton 2003 and had her update all her definitions, but i turned off her auto protect (that continuously monitors her computer). so i guess it didnt catch it, i really dont know. So i then told her to do a virus scan on the overnet folder. Where Norton then found the same virus, because she already installed overnet and norton could not delete the virus. So i had her wipe the folder and all its contents with norton, and that’s where we left it, until we can check it again.


I dont have anything against overnet, i got several gigs of dreamcast games from them, and im pissed off cause its gone, but for now im not going to use it, until norton says its clean.

Posted (edited)

Check out the forums on overnet, here is one specifically on backdoor.blarul,



The site seems to be littered with this.blarul problem


Ill look into it in more detail. Here is the forum page



Here is a statment from overnet that there is no back door.



Here is another anocement on the main page.

2.24.04: Virus Hoax

There is no virus or backdoor in Overnet or eDonkey2000. Norton antivirus is incorrectly detecting this. No other virus software is having problems with our exe. We have updated our exe so it no longer sets off Norton.


So as of now, that could be the problem, and its quite possible, that their is no backdoor, or virus, but ill look more into it when i have time.

Just advise to check the forums and other information on the site.


The fourth page of the the of this link states that the if you download overnet, that when you download overnet, it will not set off norton. So i believe that i found this problem at the right place at the right time, as they were fixing it.



Edited by PLasticSlug

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