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ok and 2nd. the "christian" religion wont phase out.because the christian religion has been in this world since jesus christ was living on this earth..yea.the babylonian Gods are gone.and egyptians Gods are gone.but they are fake.. and you might say.how can you downright say that?.because thats the truth.. in the movie pontius pilate asks what is the trutH?.the truth is."jesus christ"died for our sins.

Wow. What a profound statement. So every other religion got it wrong except for Christianity? :lol: How about the idea that there is one God that was interpreted differently throughout different cultures? No! Christianity is right! Everyone else is a heathen! Allah should be destroyed! Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma should be erased!


Well I believe vampire exist and you might say, how can you downright say that? Because it's the truth.


And the Christian religion wasn't around since Jesus was living on this earth. His idea of good will was around. The religion was created years after he died, mainly because of the work of Saul of Tarsus (who became Paul, the author of the Letters to the Corinthians and such.)


And your second post makes no sense. Since when does freedom of religion mean you have to believe in Christianity? You're last sentence is just precious. :lol:

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Oh yeah, Has anyone seen House Of 1000 Corpses Unrated Edition? hell, even the R version? thats 100000X more violence and blood than this movie had!

Wanna see violence? Check out the series: The Faces of Death. Man...my friend let me borrow it a few years back and...god, it was pretty intense (most of it). I DO NOT recommend it, but for the sick @#$#s who enjoy that kind of thing, you'd be in heaven. (Supposedly, some of the footages are real -- especially the politician committing suicide -- but others are questionable.)


Back to topic, well it's interesting no one really had any comments to some of my earlier statements. Especially the one concerning how Jesus in Hollywood movies is always played by a Caucasian man. Because if you know your history, what ethnicity was Jesus?


Anyhow, I purposely avoided making any comments on the topic of religion because I know from past experience that it always gets ugly, and most often than not, it will not be a rational discussion/debate, but turn into a flame fest.


Also, glad one of the members here (Gryphon) is a med. student -- thanks for confirming my earlier comments about the nail/spike through the wrist deal. :lol:


I guess that's it for now.


I want to see as its sounds like a good one to watch. i know i wont buy any of that crap thay there trying sell from that movie tho.


Just curious, what are they trying to sell? Tickets? Converts?


Yeah, I'll probably watch this movie........on DVD rental! Cuz to me, it seems more DVD rental material than a drag-my-ass-to-theatre-to-watch film.


Unlike many other Jesus Christ movies that focus on the mythical figure or the human being, this movie centers completely around the experience of what happened before n til his crucifixition. It portrays the idea of how severe n appauling reality can be, especially on such a sensitive moment as when Jesus died for our sins. Besides that it doesn't really focus on a plot or character development. It just depicts the experience of Jesus' sacrifice, pain n death.

Posted (edited)

Sorry Ryder,but Braveheart was a load of poop.

One 1 hand,it re-installed some much need pride to the Celts of this world

(i am of pure Irish Celt bloodline) but on the other hand it took so many great histrorical liberties with the truth it was unforgivable.Then Mr.Gibson saw fit to rub the english's noses in it with that Patriot movie.


Since when has hollywood made a film with Pro-english sensibilties? Hardly ever,cept for Master And Commander i guess.America=great United Kingdon=bad is the general message they portray.With that sort of inbuilt socio-policitcal bias that Hollywood has,its difficult to take anything as 100% gospel.


Hollywood has been a great source of re-writting,imbelishing histrorical fact with

crowd pleasing jingoism.


About this film,dosent the Bible have a fopar about NOT making graven images..take alook at the "licenced" merchandised products for sale..hypocrisy.

How can you slap a licence patent on Jesus anyway.I hope when he does come downto bring us Armagedon he brings an Army of Lawyers to sue Mels ass.

Edited by Siobhan

Hah. Nice sentiment. Feel better now? ;)


I finally saw that movie... It was alright

the VIOLENCE was pretty good, i enojyed the detail of the blood and what not




I liked the aramaic and latin languages in the movie.. gave it a nice feel to it, cause i hate those historical movies where the people have "ENGLISH" accents and what not that hecka THROWS off the mood ;)


Oh well.. good movie


I still believe that the ALIENS came by here and just created this galaxy

it's only a matter of time that they will come back and tell us whats the deal :D



my rating... 6/10 if mel gibson didn't put the devil in the movie 4/10 :)

I still believe that the ALIENS came by here and just created this galaxy

it's only a matter of time that they will come back and tell us whats the deal  ;)

I seriously doubt Aliens made this galaxy, then who made the aliens? :D

Posted (edited)
I still believe that the ALIENS came by here and just created this galaxy

it's only a matter of time that they will come back and tell us whats the deal  ;)

I seriously doubt Aliens made this galaxy, then who made the aliens? :D

They might have come from another galaxy... I think we're on to something.

Edited by GryphonKlaw

so far, forum-ers are exercising great restraint and keeping such topics out of the flames (no, i'm not talking about hellfire). all the posts were interesting~


the film's open for interpretation: if it won't reaffirm your faith, at least it'll be an insight into what people did a long time ago (accuracy is another issue though).


as far as what religion is true and what are false (and whether religion is bogus altogether or not), we'll all find out when we're dead. ;)


man, i hope they have nice arcades in heaven. i bet jesus has a killer mame cab and owns all in SSV.


ya'll have a nice one now~

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