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Oh and by the way I'm watching the new WWE dvd - WWE The Monday Night Wars




And it is one of the best dvd's that I have watched..... :D

Wrasslin'. Why are you watching wrasslin'?

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here is my ethnicity. Its nothing close to being german...well..maybe except for the drinking stereotype..but still, I am not german :D
Oh and by the way I'm watching the new WWE dvd - WWE The Monday Night Wars




And it is one of the best dvd's that I have watched..... ;)

Wrasslin'. Why are you watching wrasslin'?

I've been watching wrasslin' since I was a child with my father and my older brother :D


IMHO it is awesome....:D

here is my ethnicity. Its nothing close to being german...well..maybe except for the drinking stereotype..but still, I am not german :D

lol, german bastard :D;)

Weirdzeige? is that and american-german tv? weird=american, zeige=show in german

I am not german damnit!!



do I look german to you?!

LOL. HAHAH :lol::lol: TOUCHE!

i just dont like it when people talk about old stuff like my friend getting excited about the "snes" emulator on the computer...come on fellas we need to get a life here..well you do... :lol:

ur talkin as tho u didnt get excited when u got ur first emulator. hell i admit it, i was amazed when i got mah first snes emulator. for a person whos in an emulation forum and to tell people to get a life, u should be sayin that to urself too then. im not here to spread negative vibes or anythin, but get real... :lol:


anyways, i did see that on hbo a while ago too. it is interesting.


Sorry Weirdanzeige....but damn you name really makes me think that you are german :lol:


Like for some reason GryphonKlaw makes me think that GryphonKlaw is Jewish.... :lol:


And BoomBa_GoosE makes me think that BoomBa_GoosE is a goose :D

And BoomBa_GoosE makes me think that BoomBa_GoosE is a goose  :D

:lol: goose is jus a nick name mah frens gave me in high skool. :lol: i feel u tho haha.

Posted (edited)
Like for some reason GryphonKlaw makes me think that GryphonKlaw is Jewish.... :lol:

Oy vey! I'm not Jewish. I'm of Indian (the real Indian) descent. I'm like a thin Weirdanzeige. I'm 5'7", dark, 126 lbs, and rather stupid as well. :D


Do I come off as Jewish? If so, awesome! I can be like Woody Allen and Mel Brooks!


And ForceX reminds me of a Tijuana crack-whore. :-D Gwahahahahaha *barf* :lol:


I bet he's called Goose because of some long part of his body...I bet you have long arms.

Edited by GryphonKlaw
you're of kenny g decent. :lol:



*My hair grows long and curly. A saxophone appears out of nowhere. I start playing crappy music*



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