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I dont know how many of you actually check/care about my website, but now theres a reason too!!


Me and my friend Dan finished our comic book and you can view it on my website!


The following are some reviews ive gotten from people at school



It Doesnt make any sense - The School Ditz


Its stupid - The schools biggest asshole


WTF? - random kid i didnt even know


Are you retarded? - Another random kid i didnt know


HILARIOUS - Some guy in my math class


HAHA - some girl in my math class


HAHAHAHAHA - Some guy in my spanish class


This doesnt make any sense, its retarded! - Some other guy in my spanish class


Its pretty good - some gilr in my spanish class with no sense of humor at all (no really)


our Comic MUST rule with these reviews!!! Now go read it!!


GO to my website at shibathedog.stuffhosting.com and go to the Evil Random Generic Blahness Of Doom section, and then go to Random Cartoon Series #1!! If you feel like it, post a review


where going to open a cafepress shop soon and sell these/characters from them on T-Shirts!! w00t!!


Nice Shameless plug. The only thing that I have against your web site is that the commentary isn't all that strong. Be more witty.


Just some criticism you can use to make it better.




thanks for the comments/suggestions


Alot of that site was made on the fly and isnt too good, im going to overhaul it (again) when i have more time, im in the middle of alot right now, and just found out we might be moving..which blows...


I DID add a CafePress shop to the page though its in the Evil Random Generic Blahness Of Doom section


sweet! it doesnt blow as much as i thought it would, issue number 2 should be out next week, this one took us about a week, maybe a week and a half, so I think if we did this weekly it could work out

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