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If strictly for emulation. there's really no point in getting a faster gfx card. Most emus make use of software rendering and even if they did 3D, it's simply for basic lighting and transparency effects. Your existing card probably suffices for that. You need a faster CPU.

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That would concern him of getting new motherboard + CPU :/ SDRAM is still in :P As long as it isnt PC133. If you need to save on Cash, the Geforce 3/4 Series is recomendable with your CPU or an Radeon 7500-8500 or 9000 works too.


It maybe king, but RAMBUS is still faster :P

GryphonKlaw :


If that's the case your computer needs a serious tweaking.... I have a Pentium 3 = 650Mhz computer with a Geforce2MX and every 2D emulator (Including MAME) does not slow down. It only slows down with the dedicated 3D emulators such as Nebula Model 2 and Zinc. Perhaps your comp needs some extra RAM ?

Hmm...I see. What tweaks do you recommend?


I have 256 mb of DDR266. I need to get another stick. The games run fine in NeoRage with no slowdown, but it does in Nebula/Kawaks/MAME for some reason.


I used to have 512 of SDRAM but I switched out my motherboard with my dad.


I was just on Anandtech and saw this article on there.


Console Emulators: Our Newest Benchmark


Even though they only use ePSXe, it gives a taste about what the new processors and GPUs can accomplish. And they show Zelda: The Windwaker running at 4.5 fps max on these top notch systems.

Posted (edited)
"You could whore yourself out to 1000 fat chicks for $50 bucks a piece. Or 50 REALLY fat chicks for $10,000."



- welcome to my world


I used to do that part time, but my fiancée wasn't feelin my part time job so i put my title down for someone else :lol:


anythin for a good videocard :P

Edited by -VIOLENCE-

i would actually buy the card, because then you would be getting the best performance possible, and then when you DO get the processor, it would be a HUGE jump up :P

But look how much more it costs!!!!

Notice how the P4 these days suck? Its because the P4 was originally made for RAMBUS! Thats why it owns :P I dont know where you're at, but RDRAM around here is cheap compared to DDR. $217 RDRAM 512 vs $325 DDR 512 :-D Expensive here

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