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Posted (edited)

Just last week, the ogres at LucasArts cancelled one of the few games I (and thousands of other people) was looking forward to. This game was Sam and Max 2 and to those of you familiar with the first game, you'll know why its so great. This game was a perfect blend of comedy and adventure. The bastards already cancelled Full Throttle 2 but that was in November and the time has past. Even the developers of this game was shocked why it was cancelled because they were making such good progress.


Even though this petition might mean nothing to the people at LucasArts, it's still worth signing. The people still have a voice. So please, if you enjoyed the first game and would like to see a sequel, sign this online petition.


Adventure games must make a comeback! Please support this worthy cause.


Sign the petition. Or face the wrath of Broom Hair! I'll play my crappy Kenny G music :P

Edited by GryphonKlaw

How the @#$#%# could LucasArts do this... :P


They have cancelled one of their best games :P


I have signed the petition GryphonKlaw....Whoever made that gay ass discussion needs to get kicked square in the nuts

Posted (edited)

How could they cancel Sam and Max 2?!? :P:P Sam and Max was one of my favorite games!

Edited by Smilee

I remember great times I had with this game, trying to get the sound to work was half the trouble...


This game was almost as great as Monkey Island, extremely funny :P


I'll sign

Posted (edited)



don't hate me guys, but wtf is sam and max? :P


signed it anyways*

Edited by -VIOLENCE-
Posted (edited)

things like patitions don't mean jack sh¡t unless you use excessive force. The chances of it working are 1/10000000000000000




...not signing

Edited by Weirdanzeige

It's a game based on some cartoon off of fox"the channel network" and t was about these street lance detectives(a dog and a rabbit) i never watches an episode or plaed the game, so i dont know too much about it.

Posted (edited)
things like patitions don't mean jack sh¡t unless you use excessive force. The chances of it working are 1/10000000000000000




...not signing

Wow. In the time it took to write all those zeroes, you could have signed the petition.


I know this thing isn't going to work. Atleast not immediately. This is just to show LucasArts that people want games like this, and to send the message to them not to totally write them off.


And by excessive force, do you mean kidnap George Lucas and say "RELEASE THE flockING GAME OR WE'LL SPLATTER HIS BRAINS ALL OVER SKYWALKER RANCH!"? Or do you mean that we should barricade all of the employees and then threaten to light the building on fire? Petitions are a legitimate way for the mass public to make their opinions known, in hope for some change, to the people weilding power. It's been done for centuries.


Oh well, more power to you...you really showed us.

Edited by GryphonKlaw

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