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hmm well some official xbox magazine disk may have them on them. But i believe the expasions are set to ur xbox eprom so u cant copy the save from a friends xbox and send it to urs.. u will get an error saying file is corrupt or something.


Sounds hopeless. Well it's not worth buying another xbox and going on live, mine's modded and I'd probably wind up banned.


Am I the only one that feels these xbox live "expansions" are a crappy way to do offline customers though? They could at least release them on a damned disc we can buy at the store.


That Rainbow Six 3 companion disc had stuff for Splinter Cell and GR Island Thunder, and it was worth every penny. Same for the DOA3 Expansion that came with a demo disc in a magazine.


Mech Assault Expansion - $5, or not more than $10, I'm sure it'd sell some copies. A lot of people have the game.


If anyone else knows of how I can get that stuff, let me know.


MOST XBL downloads are on the Demo Discs for the magazine, some are exculsive to the mag, some exclusive to the mag.


I know that all the mechassault downloads are free for XBL except for the new missionpack which costs 5 bucks


The new mechs arent that exciting though, their little weenie things that run fast, weak weapons, and die REAL fast. There are a couple decent ones though. There are some new levels that arent that bad though.


What I've read lately makes me believe I'd just wind up banned, though mine does have a switch.


Not that big of a deal I guess. One of my buds tried to transfer me the stuff, and the game just hangs at startup. So delete the stuff, it works again. Weak.


yeah like i said it asigns the save to ur xboxs eeprom. Ive been hearing stuff on x-s about getting banned by having a upgraded hd and i think its total bull. soon as i was told that i went and played rs3 for 4 hours :lol: lol. Plus theres the excuter 4801 bios that stops you from messing up and banning ur self. so no worrys.


that CRAP about the HDD, even if it was true, the BIOS would be able to just fake having the standard HDD and respond to the server telling it it has all the official hardware


As long as the Switch is off, your safe

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