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Posted (edited)

well i just tried to get rid of the cube using the ui_logo change Tmual posted which is this:

 void ui_logo::DrawLogo(bool GameInfo)
// draws the background screen + burn lib version

g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0L, NULL,D3DCLEAR_TARGET|D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER,0x00558788, 1.0f, 0L );  
if (GameInfo)

m_Font.DrawText(320, 25, 0xFFFF7F7f, m_currentversion, XBFONT_CENTER_X);


but i get error C2065: 'm_currentversion' : undeclared identifier


any help on this?

Edited by Prican25
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well i tried to make some changes to the neogeo files and haven't had no luck yet :lol:


i did check out each of the files in the neogeo folder to compare it to the current source's neogeo files and the 2 with the most changes (and gave me errors when trying to compile) were neo_run.cpp and neogeo.cpp


neo_run.cpp is the worst of the bunch to make changes cuz compared to fbax's version has certain things are in a different order and its a back and forth process.


one thing i did notice in neo_run.cpp that it deals with the bios so if someone can get this setup right, it should fix bios prob with neogeo games B)


heres my findings on the other files:

d_neogeo.cpp = same
neo_decrypt.cpp = different and made changes to match fbax's
neo_palette.cpp = same
neo_sprite.cpp = same
neo_sprite_render.h = same
neo_text.cpp = same
neo_text_render.h = same
neo_upd4990a.cpp = same
neogeo.h = different but was minor changes

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