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Here is the current logo for the downloads section, click here!


We need a new one, you can make the image a little wider if needed, but you can't make the height any longer, shorter is ok if needed. The downloads section is located @ http://downloads.1emulation.com


For the people who know what our new official 1Emulation logo looks like, you may make one using that or without it (without is better at the moment). If you can, make more than 1 or 2 designs, and we'll pick which one is best.


Some ideas..


Use rom image icons and stuff like that in the background or emulator logo's, etc. Keep the background WHITE! Otherwise it'll look bad. So makesure it looks good by going to the downloads section first and replacing the image you made with the one that's currently there in your head.


We hope to see some great work! B)


The first one is my favorite and the 2nd best is the 2nd one. The third one is too bright and doesn't go much with the page. 2nd has some style, the 1st one is the best because of the coloring of 1Emulation Downloads and the font is great. The floppy disk looks better too. :lol:

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