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Posted (edited)


Please put your Cabs where i can see them.....thank you


Ill show you mine if you show me yours...





My Machine




ive seen "mame" cabs that use pc's....they all suffer from a video distortion due to the fact that no matter what your getting a vga signal...when you use the xbox as your mame brain...you get pure emulation...pixel for pixel it is the same as the original arcade boards image output...dont waste your time with a pc...ive been waiting years for a unit that could output a pure signal and had horsepower to emulate roms...Thank God for Bill Gates....that why im so happy when people like you all start giving more games like SVC to my cab...she eats em right up

Edited by sammaz

Nice work sammaz.....I've wanted to make my own CAB for a while now but I don't know where to start....Maybe you could give me some pointers..


I already have the following:-


1x Xbox

2x Arcade Joysticks

30GB x Roms


i can get more cabs for 450.00 with standard 25` monitors and original neogeo controlls....my email is mtnkidz_2001@yahoo.com


im in So. Cali


all the cabs are mint condition, with perfect controlls from HAPP


I would buy one....but I am all the way in Australia.....the postage would most likely cost more than the CAB.....


Do those CABS come with any games?

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