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How To Seduce Women With Serious Words ?


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  Cominus said:
You should try to become her friend and learn stuff about her, her likes and dislikes, plus you have to remember you're still underage(if in the U.S) so tryo to play it kool, and make sure it's somebody you know not just some hot chic who you want to get with, cuz stuff like that doesnt work, she'd have gotten with you a long time ago if it was about "that".

Do U know a way to become her friend (or bf, I prefer). :blink::lol:


The only thing I know : she's beautiful... & she likes flowers.

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Well thats a start, give her flower, but One approch you might want to go by is to act like you're not trying to get with her, like just become one of her guy friends and find out what exactly she likes because if she knew you were trying to get with her and she didnt like you that way that could put her in an uncomfortable situation and that could ruin it for you, or you could try talking to one of her friends and ask them to ask her what she thinks of you.

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  lacien said:
OK, it doesn't even matter what words you use. Attitude and confidence are the deal breakers ALWAYS when dealing with women. Simply approach her and politely but not polite like you are under her and ask if she'd like to go out sometime and grab something to eat, drink whatever. Just don't come across like you're intimidated or just the opposite practically commanding her. And have something in mind, and not something like "uh..you wanna do..um..something sometime??". Have a plan, know exactly what you want to do. Asking unprepared doesn't look good.

This is the best way I can tell ya because given yours and her ages, you are at a disadvantage for 2 reasons. 1-women *typically* go for older guys. 2-people in general 21 and older don't easily go for someone in their teens..atleast in my experiences. So basically just try to think in your mind that you're equals and you'll come off more mature, sure of yourself and so on.

WoW ! U're a fine psychologist ! Very nice recommendations :blink: ! Thx.


It seems impossible to do that "Have a plan, know exactly what you want to do. Asking unprepared doesn't look good.", I must "put away" my shyness.

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Warning: if you hit the friend department your flocked,


being serious this time.. i have found that the first impression a woman gets of you can determine if you will ever be able to jump on those pants.

-usually if a girl is not attracted to you in the first place, and she accepts you as a friend, (by this time you think your in) but in reality all the crap you do for her and what not, she simply sees it as a friendly gesture. and you aint getting nothing.

Edited by PLasticSlug
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  PLasticSlug said:
but in reality all the crap you do for her and what not, she simply sees it as a friendly gesture. and you aint getting nothing.

OMG!!! :blink:


First, I'll try the "Hi" approach... then ?

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Oh damn you're good plasticslug, I guess thats where I f-up. It's kinda hard seeing you're own mistakes when you dont want to see them. I recommend doing want lacien dude said and if it doesnt work then giveit up and start working out or get rich....

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Well first you do the hi,

than you follow the lacien, while carefully following the plasticslug

then after a few incounters you do cominous flower bit.

then do the 1 plasticslug post



or if your a real bastard (this once happen to my realationship with an old ho)


Be a girls friend or hell, best friend

let her get into another relationship,

wait till things get real shakey, (they start fighting and what not)

be her confort pillow, a kind shoulder to cry on

then slow weasel you way in, telling her how you would never do that

then at her weakest point...


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  PLasticSlug said:
Well first you do the hi,

than you follow the lacien, while carefully following the plasticslug

then after a few incounters you do cominous flower bit.

then do the 1 plasticslug post


I'll tryicon12.gif.


  PLasticSlug said:
or if your a real bastard (this once happen to me with an old ho)


Be a girls friend or hell, best friend

let her get into another relationship,

wait till things get real shakey, (they start fighting and what not)

be her confort pillow, a kind shoulder to cry on

then slow weasel you way in, telling her how you would never do that

then at her weakest point...



I've never used my joystick... I'm just 17.

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Well what is current relationship with her? Do you work with her? Do you go to school with her? Is she in any of your classes? Do you think she's seen you before?


I mean, it would be rather strange if some random 17 year old kid went up to a 21 year old girl and asked her out. You need a pretext, a reason to talk to her.


And I like Plasticslug's plan. :blink:

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well my advice to you stay the hell out of realationships, they suck ass, they restrict you, they change you and preatty soon your so fuken dependent on them that you cant be by yourself any more.


but no one can tell you that...


you see, its not untill all the damage is done and your sitting there like a lil biatch feeling sorry for yourself.


but youll never find out if you dont get out there....


- so go out there, experience life for all its worth and live life with no regrets


actually i suggest you go up to her start a random ass conversation be your self, and it will either hit or it wont, if it doesnt hit, who cares, be glad your not start a relationship with someone who isnt like you. - so just get it out of your system.

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