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  -VIOLENCE- said:
  GryphonKlaw said:
I took basic karate when I was in 4th grade in India. Got my ass kicked and then I quit.  :lol: That's the sad story of my life.

awwww you should have went back and fight dirty :lol:

I do know how to fight. Just not martial arts. I can fight dirty, real dirty. I mean, I've seen too many Van Damme movies. :-D


But I have mastered Tae Bo and I can wipe you ALL over the floor with that crap! :lol:

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  Cominus said:
  Fatal Rose said:
  Cominus said:
Pride? Are you serious??? :lol: Do you have any Idea where some of these guys come from and how they got there? Nobody ever "justs" joins the MMA competitions. Every fighter has some sort of amatur or non-amature background before they actually join those competions. I hate people like that, that think "oh im just gonna train in all these arts and join some sort of competion" Like for instance Guy Mezgar"im sure you know who he is" He's got like 150 or something like that kick boxing fights, and even some amature or non-amature kickboxing title. and the really good grapplers have won some sort or Mahamid suadi arabi(something to do with the mideast) competions like"mark kerr, vitor belt for, the gracies", and Mr. Guapo (my fav) Bas rutten has some king of pancrease titles. You also have to train really really hard, and when you think you're training really hard, you're not becuase you dont know if you're opponent is training harder. If you're really going to think about joining some sort of mma competion join something low, becuase pride and stuff has the best of the best. These just are fighting for Lots of money, the old Pride Grand Prix the winner (mark colemon) was presented like $230,0000. well thats my 2 cents.

Trust i know all this. You wont find a bigger MMA fan than me anywhere. I may be cocky but i am not stupid. I know you have to work your way up. I don't plan on entering any competition until i am 23 or 24. maybe amature but not professional. oh and guy mezger is a waste of talent he should have left the lion's den long ago.

What are you talking about? Guy Mezar Is F-ing good. He's like the first guy to beat tito ortiz(not the only) He stood a good match agaisnt vanderli and some other fights, and you should get as much experience as possible, it'll help you in the long run.

Listen man i know guy has all the tools but he has lost to every top middle and lightheavy weight out there. I can make a list but i am to lazy. Tito is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overated imo. Guy could have been the greatist but he stuck with the lions den and fell behind. He should have been smart like frank shamrock and left before his record went to the can.

  GryphonKlaw said:
  -VIOLENCE- said:
  GryphonKlaw said:
I took basic karate when I was in 4th grade in India. Got my ass kicked and then I quit.  :lol: That's the sad story of my life.

awwww you should have went back and fight dirty :lol:

I do know how to fight. Just not martial arts. I can fight dirty, real dirty. I mean, I've seen too many Van Damme movies. :-D


But I have mastered Tae Bo and I can wipe you ALL over the floor with that crap! :lol:

Tae bo is a great way to get in shape.

Posted (edited)

people usually class me as hella dainty


but i still know some techniques and i also added some dirty tactics to my facade.


pulling of the hair etc etc. :lol:


cause all the fights i've been in my life the person and I always end up on the ground... So why not implement some dirty tactics.


i remember one dude on campus, a retarded bastard went off and called me a

a "fag"


so i was like.. :lol:.... whatever sugar... i guess that pissed him off and he went up and PUSHED me.


i was like.. ooh boy you fuc ed up now.. soo i went up to him PULLED HIS HAIR

*He had moderately long hair* and with my knuckle i rubbed this presssure point in the middle of the chest.


*pressure point people you know what point i'm talking about* that spot is hella sensitive


it's like right below your throat above the center hole in your chest, try rubbing that area with your knuckle it stings :-D


~~~ and if you don't know what the hell i'm talking about i marked it with a RED X on this pic




*here is the spot*it's paint!*


so yeah, while i was drilling that spot with my knuckle i guess he never felt that pain before and was wailing and i let him go. *mistake* when i let him go i put my guard down and he punch me right on the side of my face. *obviously he didn't have any formal training because it skid across the side of my face* it wasn't a DIRECT blow. finally some dude came by and broke it up and some girl called campus police and we had to sort it out with the dean.


talking about pressing charges on me but whatever that happened months ago :lol:


told my fiancée the story, of course she got heated but she would dig her nails into his flesh and that's not really a nice sight :lol:




Edited by -VIOLENCE-
  -VIOLENCE- said:
people usually class me as hella dainty


but i still know some techniques and i also added some dirty tactics to my facade.


pulling of the hair etc etc.  :lol:


cause all the fights i've been in my life the person and I always end up on the ground... So why not implement some dirty tactics.


i remember one dude on campus, a retarded bastard went off and called me a

a "fag"


so i was like..  :lol:.... whatever sugar... i guess that pissed him off and he went up and PUSHED me.


i was like.. ooh boy you fuc ed up now.. soo i went up to him PULLED HIS HAIR

*He had moderately long hair* and with my knuckle i rubbed this presssure point in the middle of the chest.


*pressure point people you know what point i'm talking about* that spot is hella sensitive


it's like right below your throat above the center hole in your chest, try rubbing that area with your knuckle it stings  :-D


~~~ and if you don't know what the hell i'm talking about i marked it with a RED X on this pic




*here is the spot*it's paint!*


so yeah, while i was drilling that spot with my knuckle i guess he never felt that pain before and was wailing and i let him go. *mistake* when i let him go i put my guard down and he punch me right on the side of my face. *obviously he didn't have any formal training because it skid across the side of my face* it wasn't a DIRECT blow. finally some dude came by and broke it up and some girl called campus police and we had to sort it out with the dean.


talking about pressing charges on me but whatever that happened months ago  :lol:


told my fiancée the story, of course she got heated but she would dig her nails into his flesh and that's not really a nice sight  :lol:




Yea it hurts. I side kicked a guy in that spot before and he looked like he was in allot of pain. Nice story btw anyone have anymore stories to share?


I am rained in akido for about 5 years.


as far as interesting stories i havent really gotten into many confrontations, exceopt one time in school. this guy kept pestering me. eventually he started pushing me. i didnt even have to hit him back. using his own punches to toss him on the ground with mnimal effort was embarassment enough to make him stop.


I have only ever been in 2 fights my entire life.....one being against my older bro who was pissing me off....lets just say I will never be messing with him again (I got my ass POWNED!!!!) and the second was against some older guy at high school (I was in grade 10 and he was in grade 12)....Well one day me and my mates were just hanging out during lunchtime and this guy comes up and punches my mate for no reason...well I got pissed and tackled him to the ground (I play rugby union so I know the easiest way to get someone off their feet) and then I starting punching the living daylights out of him.....well when we got stopped by a teacher and taken to the principle I told the principle that the guy was being racist and I had to defend myself :lol:


I got off scot free :lol:...the other guy got suspended for 2 weeks :lol:

  ForceX said:
I have only ever been in 2 fights my entire life.....one being against my older bro who was pissing me off....lets just say I will never be messing with him again (I got my ass POWNED!!!!) and the second was against some older guy at high school (I was in grade 10 and he was in grade 12)....Well one day me and my mates were just hanging out during lunchtime and this guy comes up and punches my mate for no reason...well I got pissed and tackled him to the ground (I play rugby union so I know the easiest way to get someone off their feet) and then I starting punching the living daylights out of him.....well when we got stopped by a teacher and taken to the principle I told the principle that the guy was being racist and I had to defend myself :lol:


I got off scot free :lol:...the other guy got suspended for 2 weeks :lol:

lol, thats F##%ked up. I've never really been in a fight, im the kind of guy that walks away(usually me beign the bigger guy).


Well its had to walk away when some fag out of no where hits on of your mates who is much smaller than the guy hitting him.....


I am usually very peaceful and never try to get into fights (thats why I have only been in two fights), but I'm also the sort of bloke that stands up for his mates....


I've been in 3 fights in my life. 2 when I was young in India (so those fights don't really count) and one over here. But it was a geek vs. geek fight, nothing extraordinary. But I kicked his motherflocking ass and got suspened from school. And it was finals week so I was going to have to miss my Spelling final but the teacher let me make it up. :lol: So it was more like a 3 day weekend. :lol:

  ForceX said:
I have only ever been in 2 fights my entire life.....one being against my older bro who was pissing me off....lets just say I will never be messing with him again (I got my ass POWNED!!!!) and the second was against some older guy at high school (I was in grade 10 and he was in grade 12)....Well one day me and my mates were just hanging out during lunchtime and this guy comes up and punches my mate for no reason...well I got pissed and tackled him to the ground (I play rugby union so I know the easiest way to get someone off their feet) and then I starting punching the living daylights out of him.....well when we got stopped by a teacher and taken to the principle I told the principle that the guy was being racist and I had to defend myself :lol:


I got off scot free :lol:...the other guy got suspended for 2 weeks :lol:

lol :lol:


good for you!


you should have pulled his hair for effects :-D

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