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WIPES sweat off my forehead*


I'm glad my fiancée loves video games  :lol:


she got me into the mmorpg scene, we've been playing helbreath / ragnarok online.


playing video games with a loved one is the best  :)



and for all you haters out there, they do exist


smart,pretty,sexy female gamers.


hell i'm engaged to one  B)


and my fiancée does have friends who like her plays games. sooo if you want the hook up and live in cali pm  :)

*Types PM to -Violence-...* :lol:


Anyway, while it is true that there are hot, smart, awesome female gamers it is also true that they are a HUGE commodity. Chances in finding in are 156/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...000,000,000.


I think I found one, but currently its on the rocks. I am hoping I get Round 2. :D




PS: -Violence-, is that your fiancee in your sig?

:lol: that's what people say to me too, like SHOCK* NO FARKING WAY!


and yes that's her in my sig, her and I before i cut my hair :D

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