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that really makes no since... they scare all the dreamcast games off supernova yet still have the xbox and ps2 games on there. Id rather see them scare off current generation pirates <_<

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Eh, I'd rather them scare off PC and maybe Mac games, especially the kid games. I wouldn't mind if they'd remove the Gamecube games either. I don't know if they did that or not (haven't been to SuprNova in a while).


They didnt come down on everything that was on the tracker, it was Sega Bass Fishing that was the culprit. So of course i assume Sega is on board with the ESA, which isnt much of a surprise. I guess it was targeted because it had SEGA in the title.


Although there are rumours of another someone else hosting a new tracker, so we will see. I do know that the shikigami tracker got changed the day the crap went down.


One thing i dont understand is that the ESA say that they are "protecting their members intelluctual property". Some things like PS2, Xbox etc etc i can understand, but why is sega so hard up on DC stuff? They dont sell it anymore, and hardly anyplace else does anymore. I know for a fact that Gamestop destroyed most of their DC stuff, and a lot of them dont even take it in trade in anymore. The only place i can find DC stuff around here is second hand shops, and they want 14 bux for a brand new VMU. I mean i cant even find a new copy of Space Channel and Plamsa Sword anymore. Although the local Exchange has a brand new Floigian Brothers and a used Codebreaker i might pick up.

  Jitx said:
They didnt come down on everything that was on the tracker, it was Sega Bass Fishing that was the culprit.  So of course i assume Sega is on board with the ESA, which isnt much of a surprise.  I guess it was targeted because it had SEGA in the title.


  Although there are rumours of another someone else  hosting a new  tracker, so we will see.  I do know that the shikigami tracker got changed  the day the crap went down.


  One thing i dont understand is that the ESA say that they are "protecting their members intelluctual property".  Some things like PS2, Xbox etc etc i can understand, but why is sega so hard up on DC stuff?  They dont sell it anymore, and hardly anyplace else does anymore.  I know for a fact that Gamestop destroyed most of their DC stuff, and a lot of them dont even take it in trade in anymore.  The only place i can find DC stuff around here is second hand shops, and they want 14 bux for a brand new VMU.  I mean i cant even find a new copy of  Space Channel and Plamsa Sword anymore.  Although the local Exchange has a brand new Floigian Brothers and a used Codebreaker i might pick up.

Boot legg all the way home boy, flock the real stuff. They want to kill DC and make it obsolete then we can make pirate copies, arrghh the cd-r companies.


THEY DESTROYED THE DC STUFF?!?!!? If they literally distroyed it i am seriously going to quit my job there no bullshit


NO ONE is making money on DC stuff anymore, they should just let it be there.


And you just have bad luck my friend, i find sealed copies of games all over the place in teh gamestops by me! PLus your fogetting the ULTIMATE source for NEW, sealed, and used games, The Internet!


i have bought TONS of games from www.amazon.com, its an excellent source for DC games, Even when they dont say its sealed, they most where.


Yeah most of the smaller Gamestops were ordered to destroy the DC stuff instead of sending it to the Gamestop warehouse, since like you said, they dont make any money selling it.


so they...threw it out...


hundreds of copies of DC games and DC hardware....wasted...all gone...never to be retrieved...most of it damaged and mangled never useable again....


my worst nightmare come true....im not going to be able to sleep at night......

so they...threw it out


Yeah AFTER we broke them into pieces =\ Systems we shipped back though, and some of that included brand new controllers and VMU's


i am sooo quitting my job there...then again, i dont think they did this at all of them, because 11/12 gamestops by me still sell just as much DC stuff as they used too


Holy crap man that sounds so damn NAZI........i cant believe what I am reading! I wish i had never seen this.


That really sucks balls.

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