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I don't even have a spring break...besides, this place is boring anyways...maybe I'll go wrestle some polar bears. :D

lol, crikey he's a furry one.

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...none of your business :P

I'll make it my business...


*Tracks Weird's Isp. Flies to his hometown. Rings the doorbell. Smacks him in the face and kicks him on the ground. Then, leaves*



*traces Diso's Ip, fins where he's hiding, makes him bite the curb and thats the end of that* :D:D


Spring Break is so overrated. Everyone thinks that spring break is like a Girls Gone Wild video. Well its not. :D I wish it were. It's just as boring as any other holiday.


You're supposed to make it that way. If you sit there reading 1emulation posts all day, I doubt anything exciting would happen..


...hell open up 5 2-liters of pop and drink it :D

You're supposed to make it that way. If you sit there reading 1emulation posts all day, I doubt anything exciting would happen..


...hell open up 5 2-liters of pop and drink it :D



Damn this work. Damn this studying. Damn this effort. Damn medical school. Damn it all. Damn spring break. Damn damn damn damn.


Damn...I said damn a lot. Just look at the word damn, it looks so weird.


That word is cool anyways. How long have you spent in your room saying damn anyways :D


Oh well, I get to go to NY while playing 11 hours of PSX. Whopee!


Soooo Spring Break isn't about naked chicks getting it on with strangers....You guys have killed the Spring Break image for me :D


Damn you.....:D

Posted (edited)

Spring Break is only fun if you want it to be. Go with Diso's idea, that 5, 2 liter pops sound really good rite about now... :lol:


I'm usually

out with friends

playing games

watching TV




Outside causing trouble somehow

Inside causing trouble somehow


Edited by Rag
Spring Break is so overrated. Everyone thinks that spring break is like a Girls Gone Wild video. Well its not. :ph34r: I wish it were. It's just as boring as any other holiday.

last year all I did was sit around in front of the comp and watch anime all day. Yeah, I would go to the arcade too. Actually, Spring Break was kinda boring for a lot of my friends.



Don't know what I"ll do this year though (probably the exact same thing only for a longer time :lol: )

Spring Break is so overrated. Everyone thinks that spring break is like a Girls Gone Wild video. Well its not. :ph34r: I wish it were. It's just as boring as any other holiday.

last year all I did was sit around in front of the comp and watch anime all day. Yeah, I would go to the arcade too. Actually, Spring Break was kinda boring for a lot of my friends.



Don't know what I"ll do this year though (probably the exact same thing only for a longer time :lol: )

I applaud your statement, for it is the EXACT same thing I do.



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