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Posted (edited)

I don't have a job, as I study full-time.

Edited by Agozer

I'm a lab researcher and get paid for that. But I can't spend my own money. ;) It sucks!!


Hey Gamecop, is there a way I can donate without using Paypal or any electronic thing. Like, can I send a cashier's check? That way my parents won't be all bitchy on why I spent money on some gaming thing. Yes...I live in an oppressive regime of Indian-ness.


if you design a website and sell it to a company, you can make over 3,000 bucks a pop, i know a guy at my dads company who did it


Running a website can make you money if you sell things/have ads on it (DONT)


I like working nightshifts, because i stay up really late and sleep late in the morning, (i wake up at like 12-3 and stay up till around 3AM unless there is school)


I work at Gamestop, and because i work late and enjoy it, i talked to the manager and after like 4 months of begging, Open late gamestop baby!! (there are actually a lot of people that come in late)


i remember when i was a freshman and junk...dude, 1 sentance to sum it all up


DO ANYTHING FOR MONEY, (unless its illegal...which i did anyway...no drugs or anything, but i did sell some illegal stuff like pirated software)


Its really hard to get money when your that age because no one wants to hire you because they think your another trouble making teenager (bastards) so get any work you can


also keep up the website stuff, and if your school offers it take the Cisco class its a lot of fun

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