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Eh, it's not bad, but I prefer XP. I don't mind the layout, in fact it was refreshing when I first installed it. I wonder if my new CD burner can overburn like yours. Only way to find out is to try it, but I don't have that much data I need burn on a CD.

err, i only buy the standard 700MB 80Minute CDRs


How do i do it? Easy!! Most modern DVD/CD burners that burn at 8X or faster can do it :lol:


or at least thats what ive noticed, probably because DVD burners have a finer burning lense laser type thing (I actually DO know what im talking about, i just can remember the technical term hehe) so they can overburn more efficiently/accuratly/more

My normal CD Burner does it too. See Strider I told you could do that. I kno Maxell isn't stupid. ( I wish it was tho :lol: ) I am not stupid. :lol:


I thought maybe people were just selling 90 minute CD-Rs as 80 minute as some have been made to be recognized like that. DanManXZ, I didn't think you were stupid, it's just that things must've changed in the manufacturing and burning. What I read about overburning, they said you couldn't reach THAT far. I hope manufacturing has changed for CD-Rs since I have an older CD burner (not real old, just a couple years).


Well, I have no clue. AFAIK, things MAY have changed or it has to do with the burners/burn method. Anyways, enjoy what you can do. BTW, do console systems have problems reading them (i.e. DC, PSX, PS2, etc.)?


i never had to do it with PSX but the DC reads em fine, and when i overburn like that for audio CDs my PS2 reads em fine and so does my Xbox, havent tried on anything else though

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